HFMIMSIN control statements
You use the HFMIMSIN control statements to specify:
- If the Batch Edit is to run in a BMP or DLI region.
- Whether to use a static PSB, or if ZDT/IMS is to generate a dynamic PSB to maintain the IMS data.
- Whether the IEB Rexx procedure to be run is instream (PROC=*), or can be found in the library specified on the HFMEXEC DD.
Each line in HFMIMSIN starts with a $$FILEM and the first line contains
the parameter IEB to specify that ZDT/IMS is performing Batch Edit.
. . .
BMP parameters
DLI parameters
LOG parameters
STATIC parameters
The VIEW, VIEWDD, VIEWDSN, VIEWMEM, CHKPFREQ and PROC parameters are described here. All the other parameters in this syntax diagram can also be specified for the Extract (IXB) function. For a description of these common parameters, see Extract (IXB).
- CHKPFREQ=chkpfreq
- Optional parameter. Specifies the frequency of the automatic save
function during the Batch Edit; that is, the Batch Edit checkpoint
frequency. ZDT/IMS:
- Increments a count by 1 each time the Batch Edit inserts, deletes, or replaces a segment.
- Issues a checkpoint when the count is equal to the Batch Edit
checkpoint frequency.
The valid range is 1 to 99999.
- Optional parameter. Specifies whether or not the Batch Edit uses
a view.
- N
- The Batch Edit does not use a view.
- Y
- The Batch Edit uses a view. If Y is specified, you must specify the view that is to be used as outlined in the VIEWDD, VIEWDSN, and VIEWMEM entries.
- VIEWDD=ddname
- Identifies the DD statement for the sequential data set or PDS(E) and member that contains the view you want the Batch Edit to use. The default is VIEWDD.
- VIEWDSN=viewdsn
- The name of the data set that contains the view that you want your Batch Edit to use. You may specify a sequential data set or a PDS(E). If you specify a PDS(E), the parameter may also include a member name in parentheses.
- VIEWMEM=viewmem
- Required when the VIEWDSN or VIEWDD parameter specifies a PDS(E) and does not specify the member. Specifies the member of the PDS(E) that contains the view you want the Batch Edit to use.
- PROC=proc
- Required parameter. Valid values are:
- The name of a PDS(E) member
- The name of the PDS(E) member containing the REXX procedure that
you want the Batch Edit to use.
You specify the PDS(E) containing this member in the HFMEXEC DD statement. The JCL for the Batch Edit must include this DD statement.
- An asterisk (*)
- Indicates that the REXX procedure is inline.
The procedure is read from SYSIN immediately after the HFMIMSIN control statements. The inline procedure is terminated by a record containing a slash and a plus sign (/+) in columns 1 - 2.