This publication includes definitions developed by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). This material is reproduced from the American National Dictionary for Information Processing, copyright 1977 by the Computer and Business Equipment Manufacturers Association, copies of which can be purchased from the American National Standards Institute, 1430 Broadway, New York, New York 10018.
The following terms are defined as they are used in this manual. If you do not find the term you are looking for, refer to the Index or to the IBM Dictionary of Computing.
ANSI definitions are preceded by an asterisk.
- A
- across format
- A ZDT/IMS dump format that has the same appearance as a system dump. To get this format for your listings, use the SET DUMP=ACROSS processing option.
- action bar
- The area at the top of a window that contains choices that give you access to choices available in that window.
- * American National Standard Code for Information Interchange. The standard code, using a coded character set consisting of 7-bit coded characters (8-bits including parity check), that is used for information interchange among data processing systems, data communication systems, and associated equipment. The ASCII set consists of control characters and graphic characters.
- B
- batch message processing (BMP) program
- An IMS batch processing program that has access to on-line databases and message queues.
- block
- *
A collection of contiguous records recorded as a unit.
Blocks are separated by interblock gaps and each block may contain
one or more logical records.
A block is a physical record but it may be composed of several contiguous logical records or parts of logical records.
- blocking
- The process of combining two or more logical records in one block.
- Batch message processing
- bounds
- In edit and browse functions, the default column range within which commands operate. In edit functions, the bounds can be changed using the BOUNDS command. In browse functions, the bounds is the entire record.
- buffer
- A portion of storage used to hold input or output data temporarily.
- C
- cards
- Lines in a batch job.
- catalog
- * A directory of files and libraries, with reference to their locations. A catalog may contain other information such as the types of devices in which the files are stored, passwords, and blocking factors. * To enter information about a file or library into a catalog.
- column range
- In edit and browse functions, the left and right columns that control which data is processed by edit commands. With some edit and browse commands, you can specify a column range to override the bounds.
- Common User Access® (CUA®) architecture
- Guidelines for the dialog between a person and a workstation or terminal.
- console
- See operator console.
- control interval
- A fixed-length area of direct access storage in which VSAM stores records and creates distributed free space. Also, in a key-sequenced data set or file, the set of records pointed to by an entry in the sequence-set index record. The control interval is the unit of information that VSAM transmits to or from direct access storage. A control interval always comprises an integral number of physical records.
- copybook
- In general, a copybook is a
file containing a sequence of code that is
included in a source program at compile time.
the term
refers specifically to a file containing descriptions of record structures. - cylinder
- The tracks of a disk storage device that can be accessed without repositioning the access mechanism.
- D
- data definition (DD) statement
- A job control statement describing a data set associated with a specific job step.
- data definition name (ddname)
- The name of a data definition (DD) statement that corresponds to a data control block that contains the same name.
- data-in-virtual data set
- A data set that is considered a continuous stream of uninterrupted data.
- Double-byte character set.
- Database description.
- deblocking
- The process of making each logical record of a block available for processing. Contrast with blocking.
- E
- * Extended Binary-Coded Decimal Interchange Code. A coded character set consisting of 8-bit coded characters.
- excluded record
- In edit functions, a record that has been excluded from display using the EXCLUDE primary command or the X line command.
- extended help
- Help text that applies to an entire function or panel. Contrast with field help.
- extent
- Continuous space on a disk that is occupied by or reserved for a particular data set, data space, or file.
- F
- field help
- Help text that applies to a specific entry field, parameter, or term. Contrast with extended help.
- field mapping
- The relationship between fields in the
data set and fields in theto
data set. Field mapping defines which fields in thefrom
data set are copied to which fields in theto
data set. The field mapping is defined using the Template Workbench. - field range
- When data is displayed in TABL or SNGL display format, specifies which fields an edit or browse command is to operate on.
- file, tape
- See tape file.
- fill
- See character fill.
- I
- Information Management System
- interactive (processing)
- Pertaining to an application in which each entry calls for a response from a system or program, as in an inquiry system or an airline reservation system. An interactive system may also be conversational, implying a continuous dialog between the user and the system.
- K
- Key-sequenced data set.
- L
- label
- A record that identifies a volume on tape or disk or that identifies a file on the volume.
- line command
- In full-screen mode, a command that you can enter on any list panel by typing the command over the beginning of a list entry.
- linear data set
- A named linear string of data, stored in such a way that it can be retrieved or updated in 4096-byte units.
- list panel
- In full-screen mode, a panel that displays a list of entries such as data sets, members, or objects, and that enables you to perform functions on one or more of the entries.
- logical record
- A record from the standpoint of its content, function, and use rather than its physical attributes, that is, a record defined in terms of the information it contains. In VSAM, a unit of information normally pertaining to a single subject; a logical record is the user record requested of or given to the data management function.
- N
- not-selected record
- A record that has not been selected for processing by the function because it does not meet the record identification criteria or the record selection criteria.
- object
- In OAM, data consisting of a contiguous stream of bytes of arbitrary length, up to a maximum of 15 megabytes. The contents and internal structure of an object are defined by the application using it. Objects are increasingly used in image processing and other advanced application areas.
- object collection
- A collection of user-defined objects.
- operator console
- A functional unit containing devices that are used for communications between a computer operator and a computer.
- O
- Object Access Method.
- P
- parameter string
- Two or more parameters separated by commas or blanks.
- Partitioned data set.
- physical record
- A record whose characteristics depend on the manner or form in which it is stored, retrieved, or moved. A physical record may contain all or part of one or more logical records.
- line commands
- In full-screen mode, commands you enter in the prefix area of the panel. Line commands are used by ZDT/IMS edit functions.
- primary command
- In full-screen mode, commands you enter on the command line. ZDT/IMS provides common primary commands that are available across a range of functions, and function-specific primary commands, such as edit commands and browse commands.
- Q
- Queued Sequential Access Method, an access method for sequential data sets.
- S
- System Authorization Facility, a system facility for security.
- shadow line
- In edit and browse functions, a line that indicates the position of records that have been excluded from display.
- shift-out/shift-in
- Characters that mark the beginning and end of double-byte character set data. The shift-out character is X'0E', and the shift-in character is X'0F'.
- Storage Management Subsystem.
- T
- template
- A set of information that describes the format of segments in a database, how different segment types are identified, what segments and fields are to be selected for processing, and how fields are to be presented when displayed or printed.
- U
- updown format
- A ZDT/IMS dump format with hexadecimal representation of data in 3 lines: character, zone, and number. To get this format for your listings, use the SET DUMP=UPDOWN processing option.
- utility program
- A computer program in general support of computer processes; for example, a diagnostic program, a trace program, a sort program.
- V
- view
- A refined template. Several views can be defined using one template. In a view you can change the display width of a field, select fields you want displayed, displaying leading zeros on numeric fields, specify a field heading to use instead of the field name in the copybook and select the segments you want displayed.
- volume
- Tape volume: A reel of magnetic tape. Disk volume: A disk pack or part of a disk storage module.
- volume serial number (volser)
- A number in a volume label assigned when a volume is prepared for use in the system.
- volume table of contents (VTOC)
- A table on a direct access volume that describes each file on the volume.
- Virtual Storage Access Method.