Print Audit Report (AUD)
- Purpose
- Produce an audit trail report.
- Usage Notes
- You must specify the name of the audit trail data set from which you want to produce a report.
- Options
- You can choose between printing an unformatted report or, if the audited function used a template, a report formatted according to the template you used. You can also specify whether or not you want the audit trail data set to be deleted after printing. You can provide a description to help to identify the audit trail report.
- Related functions
- None.
- INPUT=ddname
- Defines a reference to a DD or TSO ALLOC statement for the input data set or HFS file. The default is DDIN.
- DSNAME=logfile
- Specifies the name of the audit trail data set.
- LABEL=Description
- Optional description of the audit trail. The specified text is displayed at the start of the report. Must be enclosed in quotation marks if it contains blanks.
- Determines the formatting of the audit trail report.
- Default. If the audit log data set includes a template record, the IMS segment data printed in the report is formatted according to the template. If the audit log data set does not include a template record, the IMS segment data printed in the report is not formatted.
- NO
- The IMS segment data printed in the report is not formatted.
- Determines whether or not the audit trail data set is deleted after printing.
DELETELOG is not allowed for log data sets allocated using a DD statement.
- NO
- Default. The audit trail data set is not deleted.
- The audit trail data set is deleted after the report is printed.
- Always specify IMS.
- NO
- Default. All the fields of an updated IMS segment are printed.
- Only IMS segment fields that are changed are printed.
- Produces an UPDOWN hexadecimal display below the standard field display.
- Produces an UPDOWN hexadecimal display below the standard field display only for fields that contain non displayable characters.
- Highlights the changed fields. An asterisk is placed to the left of the "before" data to indicate the field has been changed.
- Displays key fields even when CHANGED=YES has been selected. A "K" is
printed to the left of key field names. For a KSDS data set, a key field
is any elementary field that intersects, or is contained in, the key area.
Note: This does not apply to Db2® audit reports.
- Controls whether or not uncommitted updates, checkpoints and rollbacks are
- NO
- All the audit events in the audit log are reported. For an update function, checkpoints, rollbacks, and both committed and uncommitted database updates (inserts, deletes and replaces) are reported.
- ZDT/IMS only reports the database updates (inserts, deletes, and replaces) that were committed.