Controlling how far you scroll
To control how far you scroll when you press one of the scrolling function keys, enter a scroll amount in the Scroll field:
- Scroll amount
- Scrolls…
- One screen at a time
- Half a screen at a time
- One line or column less than a screen at a time
- To the cursor position (if the cursor is not positioned on a segment when the scroll is performed, then the scroll amount defaults to PAGE)
- nnnn
- A number of columns (when scrolling left or right) or a number of segments (when scrolling up or down) at a time
- When you use the Next function key (F11) or Previous function key (F10) to scroll through segments, the only indication that a hidden segment has been skipped is that the segment number (shown in the upper right corner of the screen) skips accordingly.
- In TABL display format, scrolling left or right moves to the start of the field that is closest to the specified scroll amount. For example, if the Scroll field contains CSR, then moving your cursor into a field and pressing the Right function key (F11) scrolls the display right so that the first column of the field is at the left of the screen. If you enter a numeric (nnnn) scroll amount, it is treated as an absolute column number (rather than a relative number), and the display scrolls to the start of the field that occupies that column.
You can temporarily override the amount in
the Scroll field by
typing a scroll amount on the command line,
then pressing a scroll function key. For
example, if you enter 8
on the
command line, then press the Right function
key (F11), Z Data Tools scrolls right 8