Zooming in to see all of a segment
In CHAR, HEX or LHEX display format, if you want to show all of the data in a particular segment without having to scroll left or right, you can “zoom in? on a single segment. Z Data Tools limits the display to just that one segment and wraps the data onto the next line, as shown in Zooming in on one segment (CHAR display format).
ZDT/IMS Browse : IMS Database DJ1G
Col 1 Zoom Format CHAR
Segment SHRLSUB Level: 2
Concatenated key value: BROOME BROOME
Length Byte ----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----
80 1 BROOME BROOME 6725 B6501664DERBY
61 169175812214BROOM
In SNGL display format, zooming in shows all fields in the segment, presented in SNGL display format, rather than only those fields selected in the view. The word Zoom is displayed to the left of the Format field, so that you can easily distinguish between “normal? SNGL and “zoomed? SNGL display.
Zooming in while in TABL display format changes your display to
SNGL display format.
ZDT/IMS Edit : IMS Database DJ1E
Zoom Format SNGL
Segment SHIRE Level: 1
Concatenated key value: DENMARK
Top Field is 3 of 11
Current 01: SHIRE-TOWN
Ref Field Typ Len Data
5 2 SHIRE-CODE1 ZD 3 305
6 2 SHIRE-CODE2 ZD 5 244
7 2 SHIRE-YEAR BI 2 6280
8 2 SHIRE-BRICK PD 8 606363187610
9 2 SHIRE-WOODEN PD 8 2034233224332
10 2 SHIRE-SCHOOL PD 4 3020312
11 2 SHIRE-GOLF BI 2 12608
*** End of record ***
To ZOOM in:
- Type
on the Command line. - Move the cursor to the segment that you want displayed in zoom mode.
- Press Enter.
If the cursor is not on a segment, ZDT/IMS zooms in on the segment that is currently the top segment displayed in the panel. If the top line is not a displayed segment, the zoom does not work.
The zoomed display automatically scrolls to the column that was shown in the Col field (CHAR, HEX or LEX) or the leftmost displayed field (TABL), prior to zooming.
While you are zoomed in on a segment, you can change the format to another format in the normal way, by overtyping the first character of the Format field.
To zoom out, re-enter the ZOOM primary command. When you zoom out, the display format returns to its setting prior to zooming in. For example, if you zoom in when the display format is CHAR, then you change to HEX, zooming out returns the display to CHAR format. Zooming out also returns to the prior column setting.
In SNGL (non-ZOOM) display format, you can navigate between segments using the Previous function key (F10) and Next function key (F11). If you zoom a segment that is currently being displayed in either SNGL or TABL display format, just that segment is displayed in SNGL format, but all fields are displayed, regardless of whether they were selected for display in the template.
If you zoom a segment that is currently being displayed in CHAR or HEX display format, only that segment is displayed on the screen, but with the entire segment displayed.
SEGMENT, REC and CHILD are not active in ZOOM mode.