RESET primary command
The RESET command cleans up
the displayed data.
- Resets all pending line commands.
- Removes highlighting from strings or numeric values found by the FIND command.
- *
- Specifies that all members in the list are to be deselected.
- member_name
- Specifies that the named member is to be deselected. Can be a member name pattern, so that all members with a matching name are deselected.
Entering a RESET command without any parameters resets everything.
RESET in member selection panels
In member selection panels the RESET command resets values entered in the prefix area that have not yet been processed and also in the Prompt field. You can specify a member name or a member pattern to limit the scope of the command to matching member names. If you do not specify any member name or pattern, all prefix commands are removed.
In the options panels, the RESET command resets the options displayed on the panel to the default options defined in the Z Data Tools options module.