DLI Mode Parameters panel
The DLI Mode Parameters panel allows you to view and modify the parameters that are passed to the IMS region controller when a Z Data Tools/IMS function is run in DLI mode. It also allows you to view and modify the IMS log usage setting for functions using PSBs that have update intent.
The panel is displayed when option 1 is selected on the Subsystem Settings Menu. The Subsystem field displays the IMS subsystem ID you specified on the Subsystem Settings Menu.
The panel displays the parameters that an online ZDT/IMS function uses when a DLI region type is selected and this IMS subsystem ID is specified on the function's Entry panel.
The ZDT/IMS administrator may have fixed the values of some or all of the parameters displayed on the panel.
If a parameter has been fixed, the panel field is protected and you are not able to change the specified value. If a parameter has not been fixed, you can change the value that has been specified for it.
Enter the RESET command to reset all the parameters on the panel to their subsystem defaults.
Enter the EXIT command (F3), to exit the panel saving the changes you have made.
Enter the CANCEL command (F12), to exit the panel without saving the changes you have made.
Panel and field definitions
Process Options Help ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ZDT/IMS DLI Mode Parameters Subsystem IF52 IMS V13 NT Test Options: DBRC IRLM IMS log (if PSB has update intent) 1 1. DBRC=Y 1 1. IRLM=Y 2 1. Keep 2. DBRC=N 2. IRLM=N 2. Keep when updates 3. DBRC=Null 3. IRLM=Null 3. Delete 4. None Enter "/" to select option / Dynamic backout Parameters: IRLMNM . . . IRLM GSGNAME . . . TMINAME . . . BUF . . . . . LOCKMAX . . . Command ===> F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F4=CRetriev F7=Backward F8=Forward F9=Swap F10=Actions F12=Cancel
- Specify whether or not functions use Database Recovery Control (DBRC)
when they are run in DLI mode:
- 1. DBRC=Y
- Use DBRC.
- 2. DBRC=N
- Do not use DBRC.
- 3. DBRC=Null
- DBRC is set according to the DBRC parameter in the installation
default module DFSIDEF0.
Functions use DBRC, if the DFSIDEF0 module specifies DBRC=YES or DBRC=FORCE or if the DFSIDEF0 module is not found in the RESLIB data sets for the subsystem. Functions do not use DBRC if the DFSIDEF0 module specifies DBRC=NO.
Note: If this option is set to 2. DBRC=N and the DFSIDEF0 module specifies DBRC=FORCE, then functions terminate abnormally with IMS abend code 0044. - IRLM
- Specify whether or not functions use an
Internal Resource Lock Manager (IRLM) when they are run in DLI mode:
- 1. IRLM=Y
- Use IRLM.
- 2. IRLM=N
- Do not use IRLM.
- 3. IRLM=Null
- IRLM is set according to the IRLM and IRLMNM
parameters in the IMSCTRL macro statement. Functions
use IRLM, if one of these conditions is true:
- The IMSCTRL macro statement specifies IRLM=Y.
- The IMSCTRL macro statement specifies an IRLMNM and does not specify IRLM=N.
- The IMSCTRL macro statement specifies IRLM=N.
- The IMSCTRL macro statement does not specify a value for IRLM and IRLMNM.
- IMS log
- Specify whether or not functions using PSBs
that have update intent use an IMS log when
they are run in DLI mode and, if they do use a log,
whether or not the log is kept when
the function ends.
- 1. Keep
- Use an IMS log. Keep the log when the function ends.
- 2. Keep when updates
- Use an IMS log. Keep the log if the function updates databases or does not end normally.
- 3. Delete
- Use an IMS log. Only keep the log if the function does not end normally.
- 4. None
- Do not use an IMS log.
Note: This option cannot be set to 4. None when the DBRC option is set to 1. DBRC=Y because DBRC requires the usage of an IMS log. - Dynamic backout
- Select this option if you want:
- IMS to perform a dynamic backout when an IMS pseudo-abend occurs in a function running in DLI mode.
- To use the UNDO or CANCEL command when editing a database in DLI mode.
This option only takes effect if the IMS log option is set to 1. Keep, 2. Keep when updates, or 3. Delete.
- The name of the Internal Resource Lock Manager (IRLM)
that the functions are to use.
Functions that run in DLI mode pass the name to the IMS region controller
when the IRLM option is set to 1. IRLM=Y or 3. IRLM=Null.
When IRLM is used and you have not specified a name in this field, IMS uses the name specified in the IRLMNM parameter of the IMSCTRL macro, or IRLM, if that parameter is not specified.
- If the subsystem is part of a Remote Site Recovery
(RSR) complex and the IMSCTRL macro statement does not
specify a GSGNAME and you want any activity performed
by the functions running in DLI mode to be tracked by
RSR, enter the Global Service Group (GSG) name for the
RSR complex.
If the subsystem is part of an RSR complex and the IMSCTRL macro statement specifies a GSGNAME and you don't want the activity of the functions running in DLI mode tracked, enter NONE.
Otherwise, do not specify a value for GSGNAME.
- If the IMS subsystem is part of a Remote Site Recovery
(RSR) complex and the activity performed by
ZDT/IMS functions running in DLI mode is to be tracked by RSR,
specify the Transport Manager Instance (TMI) name that
the functions are to use.
When activity is tracked by RSR and you have not specified a name in this field, IMS uses the name specified in the TMINAME parameter of the IMSCTRL macro, or blanks, if that parameter is not specified.
- Specify the number of 1K blocks to be used in
calculating the size of the OSAM pool.
The value specified in this field is only used if the DFSVSAMP data set does not include any IOBF control statements.
- Specify the maximum number of locks (in units of 1000)
that a function is allowed to hold at one time.
The number you specify must be in the range 0 to 32767.
If 0 is specified, there is no limit on the number of locks the function can hold at one time.
If you leave the field blank, the LOCKMAX value specified on the PSBGEN statement is used or 0 (no limit), if the LOCKMAX parameter is not specified on the PSBGEN statement.
Parent panels
Child panels
- None.