Usage tips
The three most important HFM2POPI and HFM2SSDM parameters for controlling the ZDT/Db2 subsystem selection list are:
The default for the CONNECT parameter is DEFINED. Consider changing this to ANY. With CONNECT=DEFINED, ZDT/Db2 will only attempt connection to Db2 systems that are defined in the HFM2POPT.
The default for the LIST parameter is ALL. This can be changed to show any combination of active, inactive, or unavailable subsystems or groups.
The default for the DISPLAY parameter is YES. A Db2® subsystem or group will be displayed if it is eligible to be displayed based on how the HFM2POPI LIST parameter is set.
You can prevent inactive or unavailable Db2® systems or groups being displayed on the ZDT/Db2 subsystem selection list by specifying LIST=ACTIVE.
You can prevent an individual Db2® system or group being displayed on the ZDT/Db2 subsystem selection list by specifying DISPLAY=HIDDEN. A typical use of this feature is to hide one or more Db2® subsystems that are also part of a Db2® data sharing group, leaving the Db2® data sharing group visible.