Customizing the ZDT/Db2 options
ZDT/Db2 also provides a number of processing options that you can customize to suit your installation requirements. You specify these options in HFM2POPI. For a description of the options in HFM2POPI, and the values you can specify, see HFM2POPI. These options determine how your users will access the Db2® subsystems available to ZDT/Db2.
You then include your HFM2POPI macros in HFM2POPT, using the usermod HFM2UMDP. See Changing the default options for information about other changes you can make to HFM2POPT and how to install HFM2POPT.
Parameters for HFM2POPI are optional. If you do not want to change any of the options in HFM2POPI, you do not need to provide any parameters for HFM2POPI. However, you must supply an HFM2POPI statement, without parameters if appropriate.