Dynamic Workload Console and Z connector
How to install, upgrade, configure, uninstall, and troubleshoot the Dynamic Workload Console and Z connector, which is automatically installed with a Dynamic Workload Console instance.
- HCL Workload Automation
- HCL Workload Automation for Z
To use the Dynamic Workload Console you must configure the Z connector, which is automatically installed with a Dynamic Workload Console instance. For details about how to configure the Z connector, see Defining a z/OS engine in the Z connector.
- Self-Service Catalog
- Self-Service Dashboards
- Application Lab
You can access HCL Workload Automation environments from any location in your network using one of the supported browsers connected to the Dynamic Workload Console. The Dynamic Workload Console must be installed on a system that can reach either the HCL Workload Automation using network connections.