TdwcGlobalSettings.xml sample

The following example is a sample of the file:

  ˂?xml version="1.0"?>

	##################  SETTINGS FOR ALL USERS                      #######################
	##################  CUSTOMIZE LINKS TO VIDEOS                   #######################
	This section shows how you should customize your URLs that link video content in 
	the Dynamic Workload Console so that you can link to a company intranet server 
	to view help videos rather than a public video site.
	### This prefix "_baseURL" will be added to all video URLs ###
	### Links to videos, missing entries or empty (blank) values are not considered ###
	#### Graphical view: detect loop                        ####
	#### Graphical view: highlight and release dependencies ####
	#### Graphical view: reply to prompt dependency         ####
	#### Graphical view: using the impact view              ####
	#### Table: creating and using tasks                    ####
	#### Workload editor: add and remove a file dependency  ####
	#### Workload editor: create a dependency               ####
	#### Workload editor: add a job                         ####  
	#### Workload editor: highlight dependencies            #### 
	#### Workload editor: creating a z/OS job               ####
			<property name="_baseURL" value=""></property>    
			<property name="depLoop" value=""></property>
			<property name="highlightRelDep" value=""></property>
			<property name="viewDepPrompt" value=""></property> 
			<property name="usingImpactView" value=""></property>
			<property name="createUseTasks" value=""></property>
			<property name="weAddRemoveFile" value=""></property>
			<property name="weCreateDeps" value=""></property>
			<property name="weAddJob" value=""></property>
			<property name="weHighlightDeps" value=""></property>
			<property name="weCreateJCL" value=""></property>
	##################  SECTION 1 - GRAPHICAL VIEW SETTINGS         #######################
	This section specifies the maximum number of objects shown in each graphical view.
 	Default value is 1000 for all properties.
			<property name="planViewMaxJobstreams" value="1000"></property>		  
			<property name="preProdPlanViewMaxJobstreams" value="1000"></property>
	#####################  SECTION 2 - PLAN VIEW IN NEW WINDOW       ######################
	This section is used to prevent Internet Explorer 7 from freezing while using the Plan View. To solve the problem, set value         to true.
	Default value is false
			<property name="planViewNewWindow" value="true"/>
	#################  SECTION 3 - DISABLE / CUSTOMIZE NEWS FEED FUNCTION  ################
	This section allows overriding the properties concerning the "NewsFeed" function.
	Default values are as follows:
				<property name="FeedURL" value=";sortBy=date&amp;highlight=tws.jsonp&amp;" />
				<property name="FeedType" value="JSONP" />
				<property name="PollInterval" value="3600" />
	To disable function
			<property name="FeedURL" value="" />
			<property name="FeedType" value="JSONP" />
			<property name="PollInterval" value="3600" />
	 Starting from 8.6 FP2 you can allow multiple feeds, and create new categories:
			<property name="NewsFeed" type="RSS" value="" />
			<property name="NewsFeed" type="ATOM" value="" />

			<property name="PollInterval" value="1" />
			<property name="PollInitialDelay" value="1" />
			<property name="FeedURL" type="RSS" value="" />
			<property name="NewsFeedCategory" value="InfoNews" icon="" />
			<property name="NewsFeedCategory" value="AlertNews" icon="" />
	To avoid or customize the creation of predefined tasks at first logon.
	Possible values are:
		all             both distributed and z/OS tasks are created. This is the default value
		none            no task is created
		distributed     only distributed tasks are created
		zos             only z/OS tasks are created
			<property name="precannedTaskCreation" value="all"/>
			<property name="updateWorkstationMaxNumber" value="20"/>

			<property name="enabled" value="true"></property>

	This section contains URLs where you can store customized documentation about your jobs or job streams. 
        By default this setting is not specified. If you want to associate customized documentation to a job or 
        job stream, use this setting to specify the external address where this information is located.
        If you want to specify a URL to be opened as related documentation for jobs and job streams, 
        uncomment the section lines so that a new action, Open Documentation, is inserted in the More Actions 
        menu for Monitor Jobs and Monitor Job Streams tasks. The new action links to the specified URL 
       You can customize the URL template by using variables. The variables have the following syntax
	For the complete list of variables, please refer to the documentation.						
			<property name="jobstreamUrlTemplate" value="${js_name_w}" />
			<property name="jobUrlTemplate" 	  value="${job_name_w}" />
			<property name="customActionLabel" 	  value="Custom Action" />				

    #############  SECTION 6 - USER REGISTRY                                    ###########
       In this section you can configure properties related to the User Registry in use.
       The property groupIdMap is related to the groups of User Registry, and can be modified
       to map and display the specified value of each group. By default the common name
       of the group is displayed.
       The property importSettingsMaxFileSize is related to the "Manage settings" > "Import Settings"
       functionality and defines the max file size of the uploaded TDWCSettings.xml.
       KB is the unit of measure, and by default, it is set to 102400 KB (100 MB).
       If you need to upload a property file bigger than 100MB, you can increase this value, but
       for security purposes, it is strongly suggested to revert the file size back to the default
       value once the import has been performed.

            <property name="groupIdMap" value="cn"></property>
            <property name="importSettingsMaxFileSize" value="102400"></property>

		#############  SECTION 7 - Z/OS HTTP CONNECTIONS                            ###########
	Use this section to increase or decrease timeout for http connection in Z/OS
	environment. Change this setting if you receive a connection timeout
	using plugin actions/picklists.
	The setting is in milliseconds.
				<property name="zosHttpTimeout" value="90000" />

	    Use this section to configure: the number of results displayed for Monitor tasks, the maximum number of rows
	    to display on each page, and the number of direct queries to maintain in history.
        This setting applies to all tasks except for Monitor critical jobs and Monitor jobs on multiple engines.
        If you want to limit the number of results produced by your queries, you can specify the maximum number of items that must be retrieved. 
		The default value is -1; any value lower than 0 means that there is no limit in the number of objects  retrieved. 
		The minimum number of retrieved results is 500. Because data is extracted in blocks of 250 rows, 
        the value you enter is adjusted to complete an entire block. For example, if you specify a limit of 500, 
        only 500 elements are retrieved, while if you specify a limit of 600, 750 elements are retrieved.
		To set the maximum number of rows to display in a table view, configure the maxRowsToDisplay property.
        To set the maximum number of direct queries to maintain in history, configure the maxHistoryCount property. 
        These queries are available from the pull-down for the Query field on the Direct Query page.

		  <property name="monitorMaxObjectsPM" value="2000"></property>
		<property name="maxRowsToDisplay" value="25"></property>
	 You modify the number of archived plans displayed in the Monitor Workload view of the Dynamic 
	 Workload Console. The default number is 30 plans.
		<property name="maxArchivedPlan"value="30"></property>
		<property name="maxHistoryCount" value="100"></property>
			<property name="search_max_limit" value="500"></property>
	    #########  SECTION 9 - LIMIT TASK AND ENGINE SHARING                   ###########

	Use this section to prevent users from sharing tasks and engines.
        By default there is no limit to task and engine sharing and all users are authorized to share 
        their tasks and engine connections. If you want to change this behavior, preventing users from 
        sharing tasks and engines, set this property to true. The property default value is false, 
        set it to true to enable the limit: 

			<property name="limitShareTask"     value="false" /> 
			<property name="limitShareEngine"   value="false" /> 

	Use this section to change the default behavior of the UI when displaying 
	dependencies in	the dependencies panel. By setting this value to true, by default, 
	all dependencies are displayed, and not just the unsatisfied ones.

			<property name = "AlwaysShowAllDependencies" value="true"></property>


    Use this section to change the default behavior of the auditing of activities performed
    using the Self-Service Catalog and the Self-Service Dashboards application. By default,
    auditing is enabled. You can also set the maximum size of the log file before it rolls
    over to a new log file, and the maximum number of log files maintained.

			<property name = "SSAuditing"         value="true"></property>		
			<property name = "SSAuditingLogSize"  value="100"></property>
			<property name = "SSAuditingLogFiles" value="2"></property>
    ##### SECTION 12 -     URL FOR AGENT LICENSE                               ###########
    Use this section to change the default Agent License URL.
			<property name = "URL" value="Workoad Automation SaaS agent license document"></property>
	##################  SETTINGS FOR ALL Administrators users #####################
	˂settings role="Administrator">
	 Put here setting to be applied only to users with Administrator role  
	##################  SETTINGS FOR ALL Operators users    #######################
	˂settings role="Operator">
	##################  SETTINGS FOR ALL Configurator users #######################
	˂settings role="Configurator">
	##################  SETTINGS FOR ALL Developer users    #######################
	˂settings role="Developer">
	##################  SETTINGS FOR ALL Analyst users      #######################
	˂settings role="Analyst">

For more information about how to customize global settings, see Customizing your global settings.