Releases access locks on scheduling objects defined in the database. By default, to unlock an object, the object must have been locked using the same user and session.
If the scheduling object is stored in a folder, the command is performed on the folder where the scheduling object definition is stored. If folder is omitted, the default folder ("/") is used.
You must have the unlock access to unlock scheduling objects locked by other users.
To unlock security objects, you must have permission for the unlock action on the object type file with attribute name=security.
{unlock | u}
{[calendars | calendar | cal=[folder/]calname] |
[eventrule | erule | er=[folder/]eventrulename] |
[folder | fol=foldername] |
[parms | parm | vb=[[folder/]tablename.]variablename] |
[vartable | vt=[folder/]tablename] |
[prompts | prom=[folder/]promptname] |
[resources | resource | res=[[folder/]workstationame#][folder/]resourcename] |
[runcyclegroup | rcg=[folder/]runcyclegroupname] |
[cpu={[folder/]workstationame | [folder/]workstationclassname | domainame}]
[workstation | ws=[folder/]workstationame] |
[workstationclass | wscl=[folder/]workstationclassname] |
[domain | dom=domainame] |
[jobs | jobdefinition | jd=[[folder/]workstationame#][folder/]jobname] |
[sched|jobstream|js= [[folder/]workstationame#][folder/]jstreamname
[valid from date|valid to date |valid in date date]] |
[users | user=[[folder/]workstationame#]username] |
[accesscontrollist | acl for securitydomainname] |
[securitydomain | sdom=securitydomainname] |
[securityrole | srol=securityrolename]}
- calendars | calendar | cal
- If no argument follows, unlocks all calendar definitions.
If argument [folder/]calname follows, unlocks the calname calendar. Wildcard characters are permitted.
- eventrule | erule | er
- If no argument follows, unlocks all event rule definitions.
If argument [folder/]eventrulename follows, unlocks the eventrulename event rule. Wildcard characters are permitted.
- folder
- If no argument follows, unlocks all folder definitions.
If argument foldername follows, unlocks the foldername folder. Wildcard characters are permitted.
- parms|parm|vb
- If no argument follows, unlocks the default variable table.
- vartable | vt
- If no argument follows, unlocks all variable table definitions.
If argument [folder/]tablename variable table follows, unlocks the tablename variable table. Wildcard characters are permitted.
- prompts | prom
- If no argument follows, unlocks all prompt definitions.
If argument [folder/]promptname follows, unlocks the promptname prompt. Wildcard characters are permitted.
- resources | resource | res
- If no argument follows, unlocks all resource definitions.
If argument [folder/]workstationame#[folder/]resourcename follows, unlocks the resourcename resource of the workstationame workstation in the specified folder on which the resource is defined. If workstationame is omitted, the default is the workstation on which composer is running. Wildcard characters are permitted.
- runcyclegroup | rcg
- If no argument follows, unlocks all run cycle group definitions.
If argument [folder/]runcyclegroupname follows, unlocks the runcyclegroupname run cycle group. Wildcard characters are permitted.
- cpu
- Unlocks workstations, workstation classes, or domains.
- [folder/]workstation
- The name of the workstation. Wildcard characters are permitted.
- [folder/]workstationclass
- The name of the workstation class. Wildcard characters are permitted.
- domain
- The name of the domain. Wildcard characters are permitted.
- workstation | ws
- If no argument follows, unlocks all workstation definitions.
If argument [folder/]workstationname follows, unlocks the workstationname workstation. Wildcard characters are permitted.
- domain | dom
- If no argument follows, unlocks all domain definitions.
If argument domainname follows, unlocks the domainname domain. Wildcard characters are permitted.
- workstationclass | wscl
- If no argument follows, unlocks all workstation class definitions.
If argument [folder/]workstationclassname follows, unlocks the workstationclassname workstation class. Wildcard characters are permitted.
- jobs | jobdefinition | jd
- If no argument follows, unlocks all job definitions.
If argument [folder/]workstationame#[folder/]jobname follows, unlocks the jobname job of the workstationame workstation on which the job runs. If workstationame is omitted, the default is the workstation on which composer is running. Wildcard characters are permitted.
- sched | jobstream | js
- If no argument follows, unlocks all job stream definitions. If argument [folder/]workstationame#[folder/]jstreamname follows, unlocks the jstreamname job stream of the workstationame workstation on which the job stream is defined. If workstationame is omitted, the default is the workstation on which composer is running. Wildcard characters are permitted.
- valid from
- date Restricts the selection to job streams that have a valid from date equal to the indicated value. The format is mm/dd/yyyy.
- valid to
- date Restricts the selection to job streams that have a valid to date equal to the indicated value. The format is mm/dd/yyyy.
- valid in
- date date The time frame during which the job stream can run. The format is mm/dd/yyyy - mm/dd/yyyy. One of the two dates can be represented by @.
- users | user
- If no argument follows, unlocks all user definitions.
If argument [folder/]workstationame#username follows, unlocks the username user of the workstationame workstation in the specified folder on which the user is defined. If workstationame is omitted, the default is the workstation on which composer is running. Wildcard characters are permitted.
- accesscontrollist | acl
- If no securitydomainname argument follows, unlocks the
access control list definitions for all the security domains.
If argument securitydomainname follows, unlocks the access control list definitions for the securitydomainname security domain. Wildcard characters are permitted for securitydomainname .
- securitydomain | sdom
- If no securitydomainname argument follows, unlocks all
the security domain definitions.
If argument securitydomainname follows, unlocks the definition of the securitydomainname security domain. Wildcard characters are permitted for securitydomainname .
- securityrole | srol
- If no securityrolename argument follows, unlocks all the
security roles definitions.
If argument securityrolename follows, unlocks the definition of the securityrolename security role. Wildcard characters are permitted for securityrolename .
- forced
- If specified, allows the user who locked the object to unlock
it regardless of the session.
If this option is used by the superuser, then the unlock command can operate regardless to the user and the session used to lock the object.
If a user, other than the superuser, tries to unlock an object that is locked by another user, an error message is returned.
run the following command: unlock jd=@#JOBDEF1
run the following command: unlock erule=ERJS21
, stored in folder
, run the command:unlock Texas/Austin
, run
the command: unlock folder /CHICAGO
See also
From the Dynamic Workload Console you can perform the same tasks as described in:
the Dynamic Workload Console User's Guide.
- To unlock workstations, see
- To unlock event rules, see
- To unlock access control lists, security domains, and security roles, see
- To unlock all other objects, see