Designing your scheduling environment
To begin working with HCL Workload Automation you must design your scheduling environment.
About this task
- Workstations
- Domains
- You create workstations and domains. Depending on the business needs of your organization and the complexity of your network, you can decide to have a hierarchical domain structure.
- You define workstations.
To create a scheduling environment perform the following steps:
Creating a workstation
About this task
You can create multiple workstation definitions.
For more information about the main workstation types and their attributes, see Workstation.
To add a workstation definition to the database and to assign it to a domain, perform the following procedure.Procedure
- From the navigation toolbar, click .
- Select a engine from the list and click Create Workstations.
In the Workstations properties panel, specify the attributes for the workstation you are
- In a distributed environment, depending on the type of workstation you select, some attributes are mandatory.
- In a z/OS environment, specify the workstation attributes using the General, Resources, and Open Time Intervals tabs as appropriate. Depending on the type of workstation you select, some attributes are mandatory.
To assign the workstation to an existing domain
- Click Assign to Domain.
- Select the domain and click Save.
To assign the workstation to a new domain:
- On the Select Domain panel, click New.
- Click Save to add the domain to the database and return to the Select Domain panel.
- In the Select Domain panel click OK to assign the new domain to the workstation you are creating.
global option set to
"yes", the workstation definitions are automatically added to the plan after
they are defined in the database.What to do next
To edit a workstation definition in the database and to assign it to a domain, perform the following steps.
- Select the engine from .
- Optionally, specify some filtering criteria that help you find the workstation you want to modify. You can also customize the workstation attribute that you want to display in the columns.
- Click Display. From the workstation table, select a workstation click Edit to modify its properties or choose another action form the buttons and menu available.
- In the Workstations properties panel, specify the attributes for the workstation you are modifying. Depending on the type of workstation you select, some attributes are mandatory.
- To assign the workstation to an existing domain or to create a new domain, click Assign to Domain.
- Click Save.
- Click .
- Optionally, enter filtering criteria and click Display.
- From the list of workstations, click Domains View.
- Click New and, on the Domain properties panel, specify the properties for the domain.
- Click Save to add the domain to the database or Cancel to exit without saving.
Creating a pool of agents
Creating distributed workstation definitions in the HCL Workload Automation database.
About this task
To run these job types, you can use dynamic agents, a workstation type that you create by running the related installation process. The dynamic agents are automatically created and registered at installation time. You can also organize the dynamic agents into groups, called pools or dynamic pools.
To add this kind of workstation definition to the database and to assign it to a domain, perform the following steps.
- From the navigation toolbar, click .
- Select an engine from the list and click Create Workstations.
In the Workstations properties panel, specify the attributes for the pool of dynamic agents you are creating. In the Workstation
Type menu, select Pool or Dynamic Pool,
depending on the set of dynamic agents you are defining.
- Select Pool to define a cluster of dynamic agents
with similar hardware or software characteristics to submit jobs to. Then, in the Member
table that displays the dynamic agents that belong to the Pool,
click Add to add new dynamic agents and Remove to
remove unwanted dynamic agents.
When dynamic agents are added to a pool, the agent is registered with the pool and this registration is written to the file located in TWS_home/ITA/cpa/config. As an alternative method, you can add dynamic agents to a pool by directly editing this file.
- Select Dynamic Pool to define a set of dynamic agents that is dynamically defined based on the resource requirements you specify. Then click Edit Requirements to display a panel where you can specify the requirements necessary for running your jobs. All your selections produce an XML file, which is used to select a workstation with the characteristics you require, to run Workload Broker jobs. When you provide the requirements, you specify a list of workstation candidates to be included in the Dynamic Pool of dynamic agents and the preferred order in which they must be considered. You also specify the best criteria, which is used to change the workstation (workload balance, CPU utilization, or its use of logical resources).
- Select Pool to define a cluster of dynamic agents
with similar hardware or software characteristics to submit jobs to. Then, in the Member
table that displays the dynamic agents that belong to the Pool,
click Add to add new dynamic agents and Remove to
remove unwanted dynamic agents.
- Optionally, you can associate the new pool to a variable table.
- Specify the Workload Broker hosting the workstation.