
Reruns a job and its successors. You can choose whether you want to rerun all successors in the same job stream of the failed job (internal successors), or all successors, both in the same job stream and in external job streams (internal and external successors).

You must have rerun access to the job. You also need to enable plan data replication in the database. For more information, see Replicating plan data in the database.


rerunsucc jobselect [;internal][;all]


See Selecting jobs in commands.
Specifies that all successors of the failed job (parent job) in the same job stream must be rerun. Any successors in external job streams are not rerun.
Specifies that all successors of the failed job (parent job) both in the same job stream and in external job streams must be rerun.


If you enter the command without any options, a list of the internal and external successors with the related status is returned. A message is displayed asking to confirm whether you want to rerun only the internal successors or both the internal and external successors.

If the user running the command is not authorized to see and rerun all the successors of the failed job, the list being displayed contains only the successors he is allowed to see. An error message is displayed, stating there are some additional successors he is not authorized to see or run.

The maximum number of successor jobs that can be returned is 1,000. To change this value, edit the com.hcl.tws.conn.plan.rerun.successors.maxjobs property in the file, located in TWA_DATA_DIR/usr/servers/engineServer/resources/properties/ To make this change effective, restart the master domain manager. When you run the command, the parent job is returned in the list of successors, but it does not count towards the total number of successor jobs listed. For example, if you set the com.hcl.tws.conn.plan.rerun.successors.maxjobs property to ten, and the total number of successors of your parent job is ten, a total of eleven jobs will be returned. This happens because the parent job is also listed, because it is scheduled to be rerun with its successors.

The rerun action is always performed on the last rerun instance of the specified job. Also if you specify the job number of an intermediate job in the rerun sequence, the action is performed on the last job in the rerun sequence.

You can rerun job successors only if they are in specific states. For example, successors in intermediate states, such as EXEC, WAIT, INTRO, cannot be rerun. See Successors status for a complete list.
Table 1. Successors status
Status Expected behavior
WAIT An error is returned and the rerun operation is not performed
INTRO An error is returned and the rerun operation is not performed
EXEC An error is returned and the rerun operation is not performed
EXTERNAL An error is returned and the rerun operation is not performed
ABENDP/SUCCP An error is returned and the rerun operation is not performed
READY An error is returned and the rerun operation is not performed
PEND An error is returned and the rerun operation is not performed
SUPPR (job stream) An error is returned and the rerun operation is not performed
HOLD The predecessor of the job in HOLD status is rerun, but the rerun sequence stops at the job in HOLD status
BOUND The predecessor of the job in BOUND status is rerun, but the rerun sequence stops at the job in BOUND status
FENCE The predecessor of the job in FENCE status is rerun, but the rerun sequence stops at the job in FENCE status
SUPPR (job) The rerun operation is performed
SUCC The rerun operation is performed
CANCEL The rerun operation is performed


To return a list of all successors of the failed job (parent job) with the related status, type the following command:
Rerunsucc MDM94FP1#RequestInfo.UpdateData
An output similar to the following is returned:
        Successors in the same job stream:
        MDM94FP1#RequestInfo.UpdateFunction                       SUCC            
        SUCCMDM04FP1#RequestInfo.NotifyOfTheRequestReived         SUCC
        Successors to be rerun in another job stream:
        MDM94FP1#BatchProcessing.UpdateFunction                   SUCC
        MDM94FP1#BatchProcessing.EvaluateRisk                     SUCC 
        MDM94FP1#ReportProcessing.RunReport		         SUCC
        Do you want to run all successors, both internal  and external? Y
To run the command in batch mode and rerun all internal successors without confirmation by the user, type the following command:
Rerunsucc MDM94FP1#RequestInfo.UpdateData;internal
An output similar to the following is displayed:
Successors in the same job stream: 

        MDM94FP1#RequestInfo.UpdateFunction                        SUCC
        MDM04FP1#RequestInfo.NotifyOfTheRequestReceived	     SUCC
To run the command in batch mode and rerun all successors, both internal and external, without confirmation by the user, type the following command:
Rerunsucc MDM94FP1#RequestInfo.UpdateData;all
An output similar to the following is displayed:
MDM94FP1#RequestInfo.UpdateFunction                        SUCC             
        MDM04FP1#RequestInfo.NotifyOfTheRequestReceived              SUCC   
        MDM94FP1#BatchProcessing.UpdateFunction                      SUCC         
        MDM94FP1#BatchProcessing.EvaluateRisk                        SUCC           
        MDM94FP1#ReportProcessing.RunReport                          SUCC

See also

From the Dynamic Workload Console you can perform the same task as follows:
  1. In the Welcome page, select Monitor your workload, or in the navigation bar at the top of the page, click Monitoring & Reporting > Workload Monitoring > Monitor Workload.
  2. Select an engine.
  3. In Object Type, select Job.
  4. From the Query drop-down list, select All Jobs in plan or another task to monitor jobs.
  5. Click Run to run the monitoring task.
  6. From the table containing the list of jobs, select a job and click More Actions > Rerun with successors.... A dialog is displayed listing all successors, both internal and external in two separate tables. In the dialog you can choose whether you want to rerun all successors in the same job stream or all successors both in the same job stream and in any other job streams.