
Replies to a job or job stream prompt.

You must have reply access to the named or global prompt. To reply to an unnamed prompt, you must have reply access to prompts, and reply access to the associated job or job stream.


{reply | rep}
     { promptname | [[folder/]workstation#]msgnum}


Specifies the name of a global prompt. Wildcard characters are permitted.
Specifies the name of the workstation on which an unnamed prompt was issued.
Specifies the message number of an unnamed prompt. You can display message numbers with the recall and showprompts commands.
Specifies the reply, either Y for yes or N for no.
Specifies not to prompt for confirmation before taking action on each qualifying prompt.


If the reply is Y, dependencies on the prompt are satisfied. If the reply is N, the dependencies are not satisfied and the prompt is not reissued.

Prompts can be replied to before they are issued. You can use the showprompts command to display all prompts, whether or not they have been issued.


To reply Y to the global prompt arpmt, run the following command:
reply arprmt;y
To reply N to message number 24 on workstation site4, run the following command:
rep site4#24;n

See also

From the Dynamic Workload Console you can perform the same task as follows:
  1. In the navigation bar at the top, click Monitoring and Reporting > Workload Monitoring > Monitor Workload.
  2. Select an engine.
  3. In Object Type, select Prompt.
  4. Select All Prompts in plan or another task to monitor prompts.
  5. From the table of results, select a prompt and click Reply Yes or Reply No.