
Defines the size of the HCL Workload Automation message files. This command is used by the HCL Workload Automation administrator either to increase the size of a message file after receiving the message, “End of file on events file.”, or to monitor the size of the queue of messages contained in the message file. You must be maestro or root in UNIX®, or Administrator in Windows® to run evtsize. Stop the HCL Workload Automation engine before running this command.


evtsize -V | -U

evtsize filename size

evtsize -compact filename [size]

evtsize -info filename

evtsize -show filename

evtsize -info | -show pobox


Displays the command version and exits.
Displays command usage information and exits.
-compact filename [size]
Reduces the size of the specified message file to the size occupied by the messages present at the time you run the command. You can optionally use this keyword to also specify a new file size.
-info filename
Displays the percentage use of the queue of messages contained in the message file.
-show filename
Displays the size of the queue of messages contained in the message file
The name of the event file. Specify one of the following:


The maximum size of the event file in bytes. It must be no less than 1048576 bytes (1 MB).

When first built by HCL Workload Automation, the maximum size is set to 60 MB.

Note: The size of the message file is equal to or bigger than the real size of the queue of messages it contains and it progressively increases until the queue of messages becomes empty; as this occurs the message file is emptied.
-info | -show pobox
Displays the name of the message file, within the pobox directory, with the largest queue size calculated as a percentage of the total file size. Both the name of the file and the percentage used are returned. Either -info and -show return the same results.


To set the maximum size of the Intercom.msg file to 20 MB, run the following command:
evtsize Intercom.msg 20000000
To set the maximum size of the pobox file for workstation chicago to 15 MB, run the following command:
evtsize pobox\chicago.msg 15000000
The following command:
evtsize -show Intercom.msg
returns the following output:
HCL Workload Automation (UNIX)/EVTSIZE (20191118)
Licensed Materials - Property of IBM* and HCL**
(C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2016 All rights reserved.
(C) Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2016, 2022 All rights reserved.
* Trademark of International Business Machines
** Trademark HCL Technologies Limited
AWSDEK703I Queue size current 880, maximum 10000000 bytes (read 48, write 928)
Is the size of the current queue of the Intercom.msg file
Is the maximum size of the Intercom.msg file
read 48
Is the pointer position to read records
write 928
Is the pointer position to write records
If the following command:
evtsize -info Mailbox.msg 
it means that 25 percent of the file has been used.