
Removes files. Even though this command is intended to remove standard list files you are suggested to use the rmstdlist command instead. The users maestro and root in UNIX®, and Administrator in Windows® can remove any file. Other users can remove only files associated with their own jobs.


delete -V | -U

delete filename


Displays the command version and exits.
Displays command usage information and exits.

Specifies the name of the file or group of files to be removed. The name must be enclosed in quotes (") if it contains characters other than the following: alphanumerics, dashes (-), slashes (/), backslashes (\), and underscores (_). Wildcard characters are permitted.

Note: Use this command carefully. Improper use of wildcard characters can result in removing files accidentally.


To remove all the standard list files for 4/11/04, run the following command:
delete d:\win32app\maestro\stdlist\2004.4.11\@ 

The following script, included in a scheduled job in UNIX®, removes the job's standard list file if there are no errors:

#Remove the stdlist for this job:
if grep -i error $UNISON_STDLIST
exit 1
ˋmaestroˋ/bin/delete $UNISON_STDLIST

The standard configuration script, jobmanrc, sets the variable UNISON_STDLIST to the name of the job standard list file. For more information about jobmanrc, see Customizing job processing on a UNIX workstation - jobmanrc.