- annotate
Annotates lines of text file / time stamps, user names, and so on
- catcs
Displays the config spec of a view
- cd
Changes the current working directory
- checkin
Creates a permanent new version of an element
- checkout
Creates a modifiable copy of a version
- chevent
Changes the comment string in an event record
- chtype
Changes the type of an element or renames a branch
- chview
Changes properties of a view
- cptype
Makes a copy of an existing type object.
- describe
Describes an object
- diff
Compares versions of a text-file element or a directory.
- edcs
Edits the config spec of a view
- endview
Deactivates a view
- file
Displays the element type that VersionVault would use for a file
- find
Uses a pattern, query, or expression to search for objects
- findmerge
Searches for versions that require a merge; optionally, performs merge
- get
Copies a file
- getcache
Displays cache information
- help
Displays help on command usage
- hostinfo
Displays configuration data for one or more hosts
- ln
Creates VOB hard link or VOB symbolic link
- login
Logs on to the VersionVault Remote Client.
- logout
Log out from a VersionVault Remote Client interactive session.
- ls
Lists VOB-resident objects, elements loaded into a snapshot view, and view-private objects in a directory
- lscheckout
Lists checkouts of an element
- lshistory
Lists event records for VOB database objects
- lslock
Lists locks on objects
- lsprivate
Lists objects in a dynamic view's private storage area
- lsview
Lists view registry entries
- lsvtree
Lists version tree of an element
- man
Displays an online reference page
- merge
Merges versions of a text-file element or a directory
- mkattr
Attaches attributes to objects
- mkattype
Creates or updates an attribute type object
- mkbranch
Creates a new branch in the version tree of an element
- mkbrtype
Creates/updates a branch type object
- mkdir
Creates a directory element
- mkelem
Creates a file or directory element
- mkeltype
Creates or updates an element type object
- mkhlink
Attaches a hyperlink to an object
- mkhltype
Creates or updates a hyperlink type object
- mklabel
Attaches version labels to versions of elements
- mklbtype
Creates or updates a label type object
- mktrigger
Attaches a trigger to an element or UCM object
- mktrtype
Creates a trigger type object
- mkview
Creates and registers a view
- move
Moves or renames an element or VOB link
- pwd
Prints working directory
- pwv
Prints the working view
- quit
Quits an interactive session
- recoverview
Recovers a dynamic view database
- rename
Assigns a new name to an existing object
- reserve
Converts an unreserved checkout to reserved
- rmattr
Removes an attribute from an object
- rmbranch
Removes a branch from the version tree of an element
- rmelem
Removes an element or symbolic link from a VOB
- rmhlink
Removes a hyperlink object
- rmlabel
Removes a label from a version
- rmmerge
Removes a merge arrow from an element's version tree
- rmname
Removes the name of an element or VOB symbolic link from a directory version
- rmtrigger
Removes trigger from an element or UCM object
- rmtype
Removes a type object from a VOB
- rmver
Removes a version from the version tree of an element
- rmview
Removes a view or removes view-related records from a VOB
- setcs
Sets the config spec of a view
- setplevel
Changes the list of promotion levels in a project VOB
- setview
Creates a process that is set to a dynamic view
- shell
Creates a subprocess to run a shell or other program
- startview
Starts or connects to the view_server process of a dynamic view or to the rview _agent of an automatic view
- uncheckout
Cancels a checkout of an element
- unreserve
Changes a reserved checkout to unreserved
- update
Updates elements in a snapshot view, web view or automatic view
- xclearcase
Primary VersionVault graphical interface utility
- xcleardiff
Compares or merges text files graphically
- xmldiffmrg
Parses, compares, and merges XML file versions