
Deactivates a view



Command type


cleartool subcommand

VersionVault Remote Client

rcleartool subcommand






  • VersionVault--Deactivate a dynamic view
    endview [ -ser/ver ] view-tag
  • VersionVault--Deactivate a snapshot view
    endview -ser/ver view-tag
  • VersionVault Remote client--Deactivate an automatic view
    endview view-tag


Deactivates the specified dynamic, automatic, or snapshot view (endview is not applicable to web views). The view tag must be registered in the same region as that of the host at which this command is issued. If the view tag is registered in another region, this command reports that the view tag cannot be found. Do not deactivate a view for the purpose of backing it up.

The exact behavior of this command varies according to the kind of view.

Dynamic and automatic views

The endview command deactivates the specified view. It removes all references to the view from the MVFS on the current host. The view tag is no longer displayed in the MVFS directory. On Windows®, the MVFS directory path is M:\ for a dynamic view and R:\ for an automatic view. While on Linux, the MVFS directory path is /view for a dynamic view and /rview for an automatic view.
  • For an automatic view, this command terminates the rview_agent. and unmounts VOBs that are mounted for that view. Sometimes, endview fails because a VOB cannot be unmounted. In this case, terminate processes that are set to or associated with the VOB, then issue endview again. If that procedure fails, reboot the machine.
  • For a dynamic view, the -server option terminates the view's view_server process. Without -server, endview does not affect the view's availability from computers other than the current one.

If a Windows® drive was assigned to the view, the drive is marked unavailable in the drive table (see the Windows® net use command) and can be reused.

In a mixed UNIX®, Linux®, and Windows® environment, any NFS drive that was mounted to support access to the view storage directory is unmounted (assuming no other active views or VOBs require it).

Important: Processes that are set to or associated with a view are stranded if you deactivate that view without exiting the processes, which can cause MVFS activities to fail. To recover from this situation,
  • Use startview (dynamic or automatic views) or setview (dynamic views only) to restart the view or
  • Terminate the processes manually with the UNIX® and Linux® kill command or the Windows® Task Manager.

To avoid this situation, follow these guidelines:

  • Before you run endview (without -server) on your computer, exit all processes on your computer that are set to or associated with the view. If the view type is dynamic, also exit any processes started by other users. Any processes that are running when you deactivate the view will be stranded.
  • Before you run endview -server, exit all processes set to or associated with the view. If the view type is dynamic also exit associated processes on other computers that were started by other users.

Snapshot view

This command ends the view's view_server process on the host where the view-storage directory resides. Any VersionVault command issued from the view-storage directory restarts the snapshot view's view_server process.


The -server option requires permission to modify the view.

Options and arguments

Stopping the view server

endview stops an automatic view's rview agent. endview does not stop a dynamic view's view_server process; the view remains accessible from other network hosts.
Terminates the view's view_server process.

Specifying the view to deactivate

Deactivates view view-tag if view-tag specifies a dynamic or automatic view. If view-tag specifies a snapshot view, -server must also be specified to deactivate the view.


The UNIX system and Linux examples in this section are written for use in csh. If you use another shell, you may need to use different quoting and escaping conventions.

The Windows examples that include wildcards or quoting are written for use in cleartool interactive mode. If you use cleartool single-command mode, you may need to change the wildcards and quoting to make your command interpreter process the command appropriately.

In cleartool single-command mode, cmd-context represents the UNIX system and Linux shells or Windows command interpreter prompt, followed by the cleartool command. In cleartool interactive mode, cmd-context represents the interactive cleartool prompt.

  • Deactivate the dynamic view r3_main on the local host. Do not terminate the view_server process.

    cmd-context endview r3_main

  • Same as previous example, but terminate the view_server process, making the view temporarily unavailable to all hosts.

    cmd-context endview -server r3_main

  • On a Windows® system, stop and restart the dynamic view alh_main, which is currently assigned to drive W.

    cmd-context endview alh_main
    cmd-context startview alh_main
    net use
    Unavailable W:    \\view\alh_main       VersionVault Dynamic Views
    net use w: \\view\alh_main
    Command completed successfully.

  • Deactivate the snapshot view r4_main.

    cmd-context endview -server r4_main