
Changes the comment string in an event record



Command type


cleartool subcommand






chevent [ –c/omment comment | –cfi/le comment-file-pname
| –cq/uery | –cqe/ach | –nc/omment ]

[ –app/end | –ins/ert | –rep/lace ]

{ –eve/nt [ –inv/ob vob-selector ] event-ID ...

| [ –pna/me ] pname ...

| object-selector ...



The chevent command modifies or replaces the comment string in one or more existing event records. It is useful for correcting typing errors and for including information that was omitted in the original comment.

There are several ways to specify an event record whose comment you want to change:

  • If you specify a checked-out version, chevent changes the comment in the checkout event record.
  • If you specify any other object, chevent changes that object's creation event record. For example, if you specify a label type object, chevent changes the comment supplied when that label type was created with mklbtype.
  • You can change the comment in an arbitrary event record by passing its event ID to the –event option. Use the command lshistory –eventid to capture event IDs. (Event IDs remain valid until the VOB is reformatted with reformatvob.)

For details about the operations that cause event records to be created and how event records are attached to objects, see the events_ccase reference page. See also the comments reference page.



You must have one of the following identities:

  • User associated with the event
  • Object owner
  • VOB owner
  • root (UNIX® and Linux®)
  • Member of the VersionVault administrators group (VersionVault on Windows®)


The following restrictions apply:

Object Locks that prevent changing the object's events




VOB, pool


VOB, element type


VOB, type

Branch, version

VOB, element type, element, branch type, branch


VOB, hyperlink type


(Replicated VOBs only) For a version, your current replica must master the branch containing the version. For any other object, your current replica must master the object.

Options and arguments

Specifying the comment change

For each object or event, chevent prompts for a comment string to apply to the corresponding event record.
–c/omment comment
Specifies a character string to replace the existing comment or be added to it.
–cfi/le comment-file-pname
Specifies a text file whose contents are to be placed in the event record.
Note: A final newline character in this file is included in the comment.
Prompts for one comment, which will be used to update all of the event records.
Same as default; prompts for a separate comment string for each object or event ID.
No comment. When combined with –replace, this option removes the existing comment. Otherwise, it nullifies the effect of chevent.

Specifying how to change the comment

The new comment is appended to the existing one. On UNIX® and Linux® systems, it is preceded by a newline character.
Same as default.
The new comment is inserted before the existing one. On UNIX® and Linux® systems, the new comment is followed by a newline character.
The existing comment is discarded; the new comment replaces it.

Specifying event records to be changed

You can indicate which event record is to be changed by specifying a file system object, a non-file-system object, or a numerical event ID.

–eve/nt [ –inv/ob vob-selector ] event-ID ...
Specifies one or more events by their numeric event IDs. The –event keyword can be used anywhere an option is valid; the event ID arguments must appear at the end of the command (that is, after all options). By default, event IDs specify events in the VOB containing the current working directory; use –invob vob-selector to specify another VOB.

To determine the event ID of an event, use lshistory –eventid.

[ –pna/me ] pname ...
A standard path name or VOB-extended path name, indicating the creation event record for an element, branch, or version object. The standard path name of an element specifies the version in your view. The –pname option is required only if the path name looks like an object-selector (for example, an element named pool:one).

Specifying a checked-out version changes its checkout version comment. You can use any of the following to specify the checked-out version:


Standard path name


Extended path name to checked-out “placeholder�? version


Placeholder version has unique numeric suffix

object-selector ...
One or more object-selectors, in any of these forms:




pname-in-vob can be the path name of the VOB tag (whether or not the VOB is mounted) or of any file system object within the VOB (if the VOB is mounted). It cannot be the path name of the VOB storage directory.



















The following object selector is valid only if you use MultiSite:




The UNIX system and Linux examples in this section are written for use in csh. If you use another shell, you may need to use different quoting and escaping conventions.

The Windows examples that include wildcards or quoting are written for use in cleartool interactive mode. If you use cleartool single-command mode, you may need to change the wildcards and quoting to make your command interpreter process the command appropriately.

In cleartool single-command mode, cmd-context represents the UNIX system and Linux shells or Windows command interpreter prompt, followed by the cleartool command. In cleartool interactive mode, cmd-context represents the interactive cleartool prompt.

  • Add a creation comment for an element, verifying the change with describe.

    cmd-context  chevent hello.c@@
    Comments for "hello.c":
    Main module of greeting program.
    Modified event of file element "hello.c".
    cmd-context  describe hello.c@@
    file element "hello.c@@"
    created 2006-12-04T14:38:26 by anne.user
      "Main module of greeting program"
      element type: text_file
    source pool: p1 cleartext pool: pc1

  • Add a header to a checked-out version's checkout comment.

    cmd-context  lscheckout bye.c
    –05-13T13:58 anne checkout version "bye.c" from /main/1 (reserved)
    "Improve error handling."

    cmd-context  chevent –insert –c "Fix bug #2493:" bye.c
    Modified event of version "bye.c".
    cmd-context  lscheckout bye.c
    –05-13T13:58 anne checkout version "bye.c" from /main/11 (reserved)
    "Fix bug #2493:
    Improve error handling."

  • Update a branch type creation comment.

    cmd-context  chevent –append brtype:v1_bugfix
    Comments for "v1_bugfix":
    Branches should sprout from the version labeled 'V1'

    Modified event of branch type "v1_bugfix"
    cmd-context  lstype brtype:v1_bugfix
    –03-28T16:26 ali branch type "v1_bugfix"
    "Branch for fixes to version 1.
    Branches should sprout from the version labeled 'V1'"

  • Delete the comment on a branch object.

    cmd-context   chevent –replace –nc welcome.c@@/main/v1_bugfix

    event of branch "welcome.c".

  • Find the event ID for an operation and append a comment string to the one already assigned to that event. Then verify that the new comment was added.

    cmd-context  lshistory –long –eventid util.c
    event 45678:
    2007-03-21T14:45:20 Anne Duvo (anne@neptune)
    destroy sub-branch "bugfix" of branch "util.c@@\main"
    “Destroyed branch “\main\bugfix"."

    cmd-context  chevent –c "bugfix merge completed." –append –event 45678
    Modified event "45678".
    cmd-context  lshistory –long –eventid util.c
    event 45678:
    2007-03-21T14:45:20 Anne Duvo (anne@neptune)
    destroy sub-branch "bugfix" of branch "util.c@@\main"
    "Destroyed branch "\main\bugfix".
    "bugfix merge completed."