About deliveries in an HCL VersionVault MultiSite project
Tip: If your project uses HCL
MultiSite to
share source data with developers in other geographical locations, and if
the project streams are mastered at a different site, you are notified that
the development stream has been assigned the posted status. Notify the project
integrator at the site that masters the integration stream replica. The project
integrator can then continue the operation or cancel it to return the development
stream to its previous state. If you post your work, only someone at the master
site can cancel or complete the operation.
If the deliver operation is remote, the Check Mastership Before Delivery policy causes the following behavior:
- If all activities are mastered by the remote replica, the deliver operation proceeds.
- If the deliver operation contains activities that are mastered by the local replica, mastership of those activities is transferred to the remote replica. After the project integrator at the remote site completes the deliver operation, mastership of the activities is transferred back to the local replica.
- If the deliver operation contains activities that are mastered by a third replica, the deliver operation fails.