About handling elements that are not visible
During a deliver (or rebase) operation, you might see the following warning message about elements not being visible in the integration view:
1 elements were skipped because they are not visible. You should determine why they are not visible before you complete this deliver or rebase operation. If these elements should be visible, cancel this operation, fix the problem, and re-run the operation.
Do not ignore this message. The deliver operation found versions of elements in the development stream that need to be considered for merging to the target stream, but does not find the elements in the target stream. The following cases are some reasons for this situation:
- A new element was added to source control, but the directory
that catalogs the element is not checked in.
In this case, cancel this deliver (or rebase) operation, check in the directory, and start a new deliver (or rebase) operation.
- While a change to the element was being made (in the development
stream, for a deliver operation; in the stream from which you are rebasing,
for a rebase operation), someone operated on the element (in the target stream,
for a deliver operation; in the development stream, for a rebase operation),
as follows:
- The name of the element or the name of a VOB symbolic link to the element was removed.
- The element itself or the VOB symbolic link to the element
was removed.
In either of these cases, decide whether the removal was appropriate. If the removal was appropriate, you can allow the deliver (or rebase) operation to ignore the element.
- The change may be obsolete because you intended to remove the name of the element or the element itself.
Because the cause of the problem cannot be determined by the deliver or rebase operation, you must find the cause, fix the problem, cancel the current deliver (or rebase) operation, and start a new operation.