About projects
You may use the term project to refer to a group of people working on a single development effort. In HCL VersionVault terminology, project refers to an object that defines a set of development policies and a set of configurations used in a significant development effort. Your organization may create a project for each product that it develops, for a group of products, for a subset of functionality of a product, or for a product release.
The policies of a project govern how developers access and modify sets of source files and directories (called components). To record and configure the development work that proceeds on components, projects use different HCL VersionVault objects.
A multiple-stream project uses the following HCL VersionVault objects:
- Baselines
- An integration stream
- Development streams
- Activities
A single-stream project uses the following HCL VersionVault objects:
- Baselines
- An integration stream
- Activities
Because parallel development is supported, different projects can work concurrently with different versions of the same set of source files.
Projects are stored in a data repository called a PVOB (project versioned object base).