Procedure: Fast upgrade Marketing Operations
Marketing Operations pre-upgrade
- Import the Marketing Operations system tables backup from the old version to the system tables schema used in a clean 11.0.1 environment.
Take a file system backup of the source and the destination of the following folders:
“MarketingOperations_HOME/ accountattachments" directory.
“MarketingOperations_HOME/ approvalitems" directory.
“MarketingOperations_HOME/ assets" directory.
“MarketingOperations_HOME/ componentattachments" directory.
“MarketingOperations_HOME/ images" directory.
“MarketingOperations_HOME/ invoiceattachments" directory.
“MarketingOperations_HOME/ planattachments" directory.
“MarketingOperations_HOME/ programattachments" directory.
“MarketingOperations_HOME/ projectattachments" directory.
“MarketingOperations_HOME/ templates" directory.
“MarketingOperations_HOME/ messages" directory.
“MarketingOperations_HOME/ conf" directory.
- Copy/Merge all files mentioned in step 2 in 11.0.1 from the source folders to the destination MarketingOperations respective folders by referring step 4, 5, 6 and 7 mentioned underneath. Also files under messages folder, conf/plan_sys_config.xml file and all locale folders under conf folder that is en_US,en_GB,de_DE,es_ES,fr_FR,it_IT,ja_JP,ko_KR,pt_BR,resourcebundles,ru_RU,zh_CN and zh_TW have to be from the 11.0.1 file systems.
- Also copy “MarketingOperations_HOME/ conf/ plan_log4j.xml" and “MarketingOperations_HOME/ conf/ plan_ehcache.xml“ in 11.0.1 environment from source to destination respective folders.
- Create a new folder ext_data on a destination server at the - “<PLAN_HOME>\messages\com\ibm\umo\“ path. This new folder at the destination will contain the newly installed 11.0.1 <UMOConfigurationMessages_<locale>.properties > files.Note: This step is not applicable to Fast Upgrade from version 11.0 to version 11.0.1.
- Copy <UMOConfigurationMessages_<locale>.properties> and <UMOMktObjectConfigurationMessages_<locale>.properties> in 11.0.1 environment from the source “MarketingOperations_Home/messages/com/ibm/umo/ext“ folder to respective destination folder (“MarketingOperations_Home/messages/com/ibm/umo/ext ).Note: This step is not applicable to Fast Upgrade from version 11.0 to version 11.0.1.
- If there are marketing objects in the source setup, copy following files on 11.0.1:mo_creatives_state.xml globalstates.xml sysmenu.xml sysmodules.xml from <MarketingOperations_Home>/conf/en_US from source to 11.0.1
Perform this step if you have installed Marketing Operations and chose manual database. Ignore
this step if you have chosen the automatic database.
Upgrading Marketing Operations
Updating JDBC files
About this task
Upgrade to 11.0.1 config
About this task
- Copy the 8.6 plan_registration.xml to the UMO_HOME\conf folder. (Please replace 8.6 with your existing source version.)
- Run the commands underneath at Platform_Home/tools/bin:./ -vp -p "Affinium|Plan|umoConfiguration" -f MarketingOperations_Home/conf/plan_approvals_settings_10.0.0.2.xml"./ -vp -p "Affinium|Plan|umoConfiguration" -f MarketingOperations_Home/conf/plan_workflowservice_settings_10.0.0.2.xml"
- Run in MarketingOperations_Home/tools/bin. Prerequisite:set/update UMO_HOME in the file./ -p MarketingOperations_Home -b (Please replace 8.6 with your existing source version.)
Upgrading Marketing Operations database
- Import the database with the source system tables of the VM containing the fresh installation of 11.0.1 Marketing Operations.
- Make sure that the UMO_HOME\conf folder has the version 11.0.1 plan_registration file else the below scripts must be executed.
- Run the umouilistupgrade utility from tools/bin to merge the UMOConfigurationMessages_<locale>.properties and the UMOMktObjectConfigurationMessages_<locale>.properties of 8.6 and 11.0.1. This utility does not have any parameters: umouilistupgrade.bat
- Run the umodbsetup utility to upgrade the database to 11.0.1:umodbsetup.bat –t upgrade –m –b 8.6–L en_US(Type the above command in the command prompt. Copy - paste might give an error.)
- Execute the command:umodbsetup.bat –t upgrade –b 8.6 If this does not work, you can execute the umo_upgrade_[]_[].sql file on the MO database. This file is located at MarketingOperations_Home\tools. Note: Please replace 8.6 with your existing source version.
Marketing Operations post-upgrade
Marketing Operations Configuration changes
About this task
- Login as admin user.
- In (Affinium|Plan|umoConfiguration) update the location for the nodes lised underneath:templatesattachmentFoldersintegrationServices
- Update notifyPlanBaseURL in Affinium|Plan|umoConfiguration|notifications.
- Update serverURL in Affinium|Plan|navigation.
- If the new application URL is different than the old one, then you need to connect to MO database and access UAP_WS_ALERTS table. Records in this table may contain the pre upgrade application URL. You need to update this table and replace the old application URL by new one.
- Goto Settings -> Marketing Operations -> Marketing Operations Upgrade.
- Check all the checkboxes.
- Click the “Upgrade" button.
Setting the Marketing Operations – Help About > Version
About this task
Marketing Operations Post Upgrade Functional check
About this task
Perform UAT on the Marketing Operations application. Ensure that all the Plans, Programs, Projects, Tasks, Approvals are opening and that the data is successfully imported. Ensure if all the configurations nodes are available.