HCL Interact Design Time System Tables

When you install the HCL® Interact design time server, you also run a series of SQL scripts to set up the required system tables in your data source that Interact needs to operate. This document provides a data dictionary describing the structure and content of the design time system tables.


Contains a mapping of offers to interactive channels. The Offers for a particular IC will be added to the deployment of the IC at deploy time.

Field Type Length Null? Description
ICName VARCHAR 64 false Name of the interactive channel. May be any text characters, minus standard disallowed special name characters.
OfferCode1 VARCHAR 64 false The first part of offerCode. May be any text characters, minus standard disallowed special name characters.
OfferCode2 VARCHAR 64 true Optional second part of offerCode. May be any text characters, minus standard disallowed special name characters.
OfferCode3 VARCHAR 64 true Optional third part of offerCode. May be any text characters, minus standard disallowed special name characters.
OfferCode4 VARCHAR 64 true Optional fourth part of offerCode. May be any text characters, minus standard disallowed special name characters.
OfferCode5 VARCHAR 64 true Optional fifth part of offerCode. May be any text characters, minus standard disallowed special name characters.


Contains the Rule information.

Field Type Length Null? Description
RuleID INT64 false pk, Unique ID of the Rule. Must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values.
RuleGroupID INT64 false fk, Unique ID of the RuleGroup. Must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values.
MarketWeight INT32 true Value from 1 to 100 that reflects the slider setting from the strategy page.
Disabled INT32 true Indicates whether this rule is active or inactive.
DisplayOrder INT32 true Affects the display position of this rule in the strategy page.
OfferID INT64 false FK, unique ID of offer referred to by this rule. Must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values.
ZoneID INT64 true FK, unique ID of zone that this rule applies to. Must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values.
CreateDate DATETIME true Date of when this rule was first created.
CreateBy INT32 true Marketing Platform ID of the user who first created this rule. Must be a valid userId in the Marketing Platform database.
UpdateDate DATETIME true Date of when this rule was last modified.
UpdateBy INT32 true Marketing Platform ID of the user who last modified this rule. Must be a valid userId in the Marketing Platform database.
PredicateID INT64 true FK, unique ID of predicate that is associated to this rule. Must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values.


Contains the predicate information as defined the Advanced Rules option of the Strategy page.

Field Type Length Null? Description
PredicateID INT64 false PK, unique ID of predicate. Must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values.
Name VARCHAR 256 true The name of the predicate. May be any text characters, minus standard disallowed special name characters.
Description VARCHAR 512 true The description of predicate. My be any text characters, minus standard disallowed special name characters.
Predicate VARCHAR 4000 true The predicate expression. May be any text characters, minus standard disallowed special name characters.
EnableStateID INT32 false Flag indicating whether or not this predicate is disabled, acting as a boolean filter, or acting as a way to calculate marketing score. Values may be one of:
  • 1='This is disabled'
  • 2='Use Expression as a column only'
  • 3='Use Predicate only'
FolderID INT64 true FK, unique ID of folder that contains this predicate. This is currently not utilized and was added for future use since there is no place in the gui to manage the predicates across folders. Must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values.
CreateDate DATETIME true The date when this predicate was first created.
CreateBy INT32 true Marketing Platform ID of the user who first created this predicate. Must be a valid userId in the Marketing Platform database.
UpdateDate DATETIME true The date when this predicate was last modified.
UpdateBy INT32 true Marketing Platform ID of the user who last modified this predicate. Must be a valid userId in the Marketing Platform database.


A type table that contains each enumeration of a Predicate option. [ disabled; boolean filter; marketing score calculator]

Field Type Length Null? Description
EnableStateID INT32 false PK, unique ID enablestate. Must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values.
Description VARCHAR 512 true Description of the enable state. Values may be:
  • 1='This is disabled'
  • 2='Use Expression as a column only'
  • 3='Use Predicate only'


Contains the Central Profile Map information.

Field Type Length Null? Description
ICID INT64 false FK, unique ID of the interactive channel. Must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values.
AudienceLevel VARCHAR 64 false The audience level that this profile represents. May be any text characters, minus standard disallowed special name characters.
PhysicalTableName VARCHAR 64 true The real name of the underlying database table to be used as the base profile table. May be any text characters, minus standard disallowed special name characters.
LogicalTableName VARCHAR 64 true The virtual name of the profile table. May be any text characters, minus standard disallowed special name characters.
ProfileData TEXT true A blob that contains the profile map definition in XML form.
CreateDate DATETIME true The date that this profilemap was first created.
CreateBy INT32 true Marketing Platform ID of the user who created this profilemap. Must be a valid userId in the Marketing Platform database.
UpdateDate DATETIME true The date that this profilemap was last modified.
UpdateBy INT32 true Marketing Platform ID of the user who last modified this profilemap. Must be a valid userId in the Marketing Platform database.


Contains RuleGroup information. A Rule Group is a group of rules associated to a particular segment within a Strategy.

Field Type Length Null? Description
RuleGroupID INT64 false PK, unique ID of the rulegroup. Must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values.
CellID INT64 false FK, unique ID of cell with which this rulegroup is associated. Must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values.
StrategyID INT64 false FK, unique ID of strategy that owns this rule group. Must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values.
SegmentID INT64 false FK, unique ID of the segment with which this rule group is associated. Must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values.
DisplayOrder INT32 true Indicates the position in the strategy page where this rule group will be displayed.
CreateDate DATETIME true Date when this rulegroup was first created.
CreateBy INT32 true Marketing Platform ID of the user who first created this rulegroup. Must be a valid userId in the Marketing Platform database.
UpdateDate DATETIME true Date when this rulegroup was last modified.
UpdateBy INT32 true Marketing Platform ID of the user who last modified this rulegroup. Must be a valid userId in the Marketing Platform database.
LearningMode INT32 true Indicates the learning mode for this rule group (that is, use marketer score or learning score to rank offers). Valid values are 1, 2, or 3.
LearningModelID INT64 true If LearningMode is set to use learning score, then this indicates the ID of the learning model to use.


Contains all the deployed flowchart objects. Records get added after each interactive channel (IC) deployment. This table is important for subsequent deployments of an IC. If a user has not made changes to the flowchart, the deployment action refers to this table to deploy the same flowchart that was deployed previously.

Field Type Length Null? Description
DeploymentID INT64 false FK, unique ID of deployment. Must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values.
FlowchartID INT64 false FK, unique ID of the flowchart. Must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values.
FlowchartName VARCHAR 64 true The name of the flowchart. May contain any text characters, minus standard disallowed special name characters.
AudienceLevel VARCHAR 64 true The audience level of the flowchart. May contain any text characters, minus standard disallowed special name characters.
SessionID INT64 true FK, the unique ID of the Session object that contains the flowchart. Must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values.
SessionName VARCHAR 64 true The name of the Session object that contains the flowchart. May contain any text characters, minus standard disallowed special name characters.
RequestUser INT32 true Marketing Platform ID of the user who issued the deployment. Must be a valid userId in the Marketing Platform database.
RequestUserName VARCHAR 64 true Name of user who issued the deployment. Must be a valid userId in the Marketing Platform database.
RequestTime DATETIME true Timestamp of when the deployment took place.
DeployTypeID INT32 true Type of deployment (such as Add, Update, Remove). Must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values.
SerializedObject IMAGE true A Java serialized object of the flowchart. Must be a binary representation of a Strategy object.


Contains all of the deployed strategy objects. Records get added after each interactive channel (IC) deployment. This table is important for subsequent deployments of an IC. If a user has not made changes to the strategy, the deployment action refers to this table to deploy the same strategy that was deployed before.

Field Type Length Null? Description
StrategyID INT64 false FK, unique ID of the strategy. Must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values.
DeploymentID INT64 false FK, unique ID of a deployment. Must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values.
StrategyName VARCHAR 64 true Name of the Strategy object. May be any text characters, minus standard disallowed special name characters.
CampaignID INT64 true FK, unique ID of campaign that contains the strategy. Must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values.
CampaignName VARCHAR 64 true Name of the campaign that contains the strategy. May contain any text characters, minus standard disallowed special name characters.
RequestUser INT32 true Marketing Platform ID of the user who issued the deployment. Must be a valid userId in the Marketing Platform database.
RequestUserName VARCHAR 64 true Marketing Platform name of the user who issued the deployment. May contain any text characters, minus standard disallowed special name characters.
RequestTime DATETIME true Timestamp of when the deployment took place.
DeployTypeID INT32 true Type of deployment (such as Add, Update, Remove).
SerializedObject IMAGE true A Java serialized object of the strategy. Must be a binary representation of strategy object.


Contains all the treatment rules that have been deployed. Records get added after each interactive channel (IC) deployment.

Field Type Length Null? Description
TreatmentRuleID INT64 false PK, unique ID of the TreatmentRule. Must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values.
DeploymentID INT64 false FK, unique ID of the deployment. Must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values.
ICID INT64 false FK, unique ID of the interactive channel. Must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values.
ICName VARCHAR 64 false Name of the interactive channel. May be any text characters, minus standard disallowed special name characters.
CellID INT64 false FK, unique ID of the cell. Must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values.
CellName VARCHAR 64 false The name of the cell. May be any text characters, minus standard disallowed special name characters.
ZoneID INT64 false FK, unique ID of the zone. Must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values.
ZoneName VARCHAR 64 true Name of the zone. May be any text characters, minus standard disallowed special name characters.
StrategyID INT64 false FK, unique ID of the strategy. Must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values.
StrategyName VARCHAR 64 false Name of the strategy object. May be any text characters, minus standard disallowed special name characters.
OfferID INT64 false FK, unique ID of the offer. Must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values.
OfferName VARCHAR 130 false Name of the offer. May be any text characters, minus standard disallowed special name characters.
CampaignID INT64 false FK, unique ID of the campaign that contains the strategy. Must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values.
CampaignName VARCHAR 64 false Name of the campaign that contains the strategy. May be any text characters, minus standard disallowed special name characters.
CampaignCode VARCHAR 64 true Code of the campaign that contains the strategy. May be any text characters, minus standard disallowed special name characters.
SegmentID INT64 true FK, unique ID of the segment. Must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values.
SegmentName VARCHAR 64 true The name of the segment. May be any text characters, minus standard disallowed special name characters.
MarketWeight INT32 false The value of the Marketing Score slider, from 1 to 100.
LastUpdate DATETIME true The timestamp of when the deployment occurred.
Predicate VARCHAR 4000 true The predicate expression, if any, for the rule. May be any text characters, minus standard disallowed special name characters.
EnableStateID INT32 true Advanced Rule options mode. Values can be 1='This is disabled', 2='Use Expression as a column only', or 3='Use Predicate only').


This table stores versioned deployment object automatically gererated from deployments.

Field Type Length Null? Description
DepVersionID INT64 false PK, unique ID of the deployment versioned object. Must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values.
ICID INT64 true FK, unique ID of the interactive channel (IC). Must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values.
ICName VARCHAR 64 true This is the same interactive channel name at the time of deployment.
VersionNumber INT32 true This is a sequence number automatically generated by the system for a given IC.
VersionName VARCHAR 128 true This is the version name user enters in the UI. It is partially generated based on ICName. May be any text characters, minus standard disallowed special name characters.
DeploymentData IMAGE true Blob that contains a Java serialized version of the deployment object.
CreateDate DATETIME true Date that this event was first created.
CreateBy INT32 true Marketing Platform name of the user who created this event. May contain any text characters, minus standard disallowed special name characters.


A type table that contains each enumeration of a deployment operation.

Field Type Length Null? Description
DeployOpTypeID INT32 false PK, unique ID of the deployment state. Valid values are:
  • 1=Deploy global settings only
  • 2=Deploy interactive channel only
  • 3=Deploy interactive channel with global settings
  • 4=Undeploy interactive channel
  • 5=Redeploy interactive channel only
  • 6=Redeploy interactive channel with global settings
Description VARCHAR 512 true Description of the deployment state. Values include seed data as above, added through SQL scripts.


Contains the deployment information including the status of each deployment.

Field Type Length Null? Description
DeploymentID INT64 false PK, unique ID of the deployment. Must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values.
ICID INT64 true fk, unique ID of the interactive channel (IC).
DeploymentStatusID INT32 true State of the deployment, containing one of the following values:
  • 1=Initialized
  • 2=Started
  • 3=Successful
  • 4=Failed
StatusDetail VARCHAR 4000 true A status that is XML based. The XML contains a status code, a list of error codes, and their respective parameters.
DeployTypeID INT32 true Specifies the type of deployment (for example, add, update, and undeploy). Values include:
  • 1=NOOP
  • 2=Add
  • 3=Update
  • 4=Remove
StartTime DATETIME true Timestamp of when the deployment began.
EndTime DATETIME true Timestamp of when the deployment ended.
IsProduction INT32 true Flag indicating whether this deployment was targed to a production server group.
ServerGroupName VARCHAR 512 true The name of the server group to which this deployment was sent.
RequestUser INT32 true Marketing Platform ID of the user who issued the deployment. Must be a valid userId in the Marketing Platform database.
RequestUserName VARCHAR 64 true Marketing Platform name of the user who issued the deployment. Must be a valid userName in the Marketing Platform database.
Description VARCHAR 512 true Deployment description entered in the UI during deploy/undeploy/redeploy/global deploy operations.
DepVersionID INT64 true This is the FK to the UACI_DepVersion.DepVersionID.
RemoteID VARCHAR 64 true For an interactive channel deployment with an advanced event pattern, this is the corresponding Opportunity Detection deployment ID.
DeployOpTypeID INT32 true Name of user who issued the deployment. Values include:
  • 1=Deploy global settings only
  • 2=Deploy interactive channel only
  • 3=Deploy interactive channel with global settings
  • 4=Undeploy interactive channel
  • 5=Redeploy interactive channel only
  • 6=Redeploy interactive channel with global settings


This is a staging table that holds Strategy objects that are marked for deployment. When a strategy is marked for deployment, a record is inserted. When the IC is deployed, the record is removed from this table.

Field Type Length Null? Description
StrategyID INT64 false PK, unique ID of the strategy. Must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values.
RequestUser INT32 true Marketing Platform ID of the user who markeed this strategy for deployment. Must be a valid userId in the Marketing Platform database.
RequestTime DATETIME true Timestamp when this strategy was marked for deployment.
DeployTypeID INT32 true FK, indicates the type of deployment (removal, update, add). Must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values.


This is a staging table that holds Interactive Flowchart objects that are marked for deployment. When a flowchart is marked for deployment, a record is inserted. When the interactive channel (IC) is deployed, the record is removed from this table.

Field Type Length Null? Description
FlowchartID INT64 false PK, unique ID of flowchart. Must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values.
RequestUser INT32 true Marketing Platform ID of the user who markeed this flowchart for deployment. Must be a valid userId in the Marketing Platform database.
RequestTime DATETIME true Timestamp when this flowchart was marked for deployment.
DeployTypeID INT32 true FK, unique ID of deployType (add, update,undeploy). Must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values.


A type table that contains each enumeration of a deployment type (such as add, remove, update).

Field Type Length Null? Description
DeployTypeID INT32 false PK, unique ID of deployType. Must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values.
Description VARCHAR 512 true Description of deployType. Values include 1=NOOP, 2=Add, 3=Update, 4=Remove.


Contains a mapping of the Actions mapped to the Events.

Field Type Length Null? Description
EventActionID INT64 false PK, unique ID of each event action. Must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values.
EventID INT64 false FK, unique ID of Event. Must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values.
ActionID INT32 false FK, unique ID of the Action. Must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values.
ActionValue INT32 false A flag that indicates whether or not the action has been enabled for the corresponding event. A non-zero and non-null value indicates enabled.
IsAsync INT32 false A flag that indicates whether action has to be executed asynchronously.
ExecutionOrder INT32 false A number indicating the order in which this action will be executed. Values include 0, 1, ... n.
Detals CLOB true The information of the eligibility condition, offer selection method, and outbound channel in the format of a JSON string.


A table containing name value pairs that should be matched in the incoming event before executing the action.

Field Type Length Null? Description
EventActionID INT64 false PK, unique ID of each event action. Must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values.
ParamName VARCHAR 64 false Name part of the name-value pair (part of pk). May be any text characters, minus standard disallowed special name characters.
ParamValue VARCHAR 255 false Value part of the name-value pair. May be any text characters, minus standard disallowed special name characters.


A table containing name value pairs that should be matched in the incoming event before executing the action.

Field Type Length Null? Description
EventActionID INT64 false PK, unique ID of each event action. Must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values.
AudienceLevel VARCHAR 64 true Audience level from which fields are picked to be used in expression. Must be a valid audience level defined in the system.
Expression VARCHAR 1024 true Expression to be triggered. May be any text characters.
FieldName VARCHAR 64 true Optional field name to assign the result value of expression. May be any text characters, minus standard disallowed special name characters.


A table containing inferred events to be generated when this event occurs.

Field Type Length Null? Description
EventActionID INT64 false PK, unique ID of each event action. Must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values.
InferredEventID INT64 false FK to the EventID. Must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values.


A table containing test values for event pattern states within a flowchart.

Field Type Length Null? Description
FlowchartID INT64 false PK, unique ID of interactive flowchart. Must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values.
EventID INT64 false PK, unique ID of event pattern for which pattern state test value needs to be specified. Must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values.
TestValue INT32 true Test value of the pattern state. Values include:
  • 1=True
  • 0=False
  • -1=Expired
  • -2=Disabled
CreateDate DATETIME false Data when this record was first inserted.
CreateBy INT32 false Marketing Platform ID of the user who first inserted this record. Must be a valid userId in the Marketing Platform database.
UpdateDate DATETIME false Same as CreateDate.
UpdateBy INT32 false Same as CreateBy.


A table containing events used in the pattern definition. Note that when the offerContacted, offerAccepted, or offerRejected macro is added to a pattern, the name/value pair of the required offer attribute is stored in this table with the attribute name in the AttributeName column, and the expected value in AttrStringValue, AttrNumberValue, or AttrDatetimeValue column, depending on the data type.

Field Type Length Null? Description
EventID INT64 false PK, unique ID of the event pattern. Must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values.
ItemEventID INT64 false PK, unique ID of the event. Must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values.
ItemValue INT32 false Contains score value for weighted patterns or occurrences of the event for counter pattern.
AttributeName VARCHAR false The name of the attribute or parameter to which this condition applies. The value of a single dot (.) indicates that there is no condition for this item.
AttributeDetail INT32 false The numeric value of AttributeName for this condition to be met. It is used to make the event pattern item unique so that a pattern can have two of the same offer event macro, but with different offer IDs. This field has the same value as the NumberValue field.
StringValue VARCHAR false The expected value of AttributeName for this condition to be met. It is used when the type of this attributeor parameter is String.
NumberValue INT32 false The expected value of AttributeName for this condition to be met. It is used when the type of this attributeor parameter is numeric.
DatetimeValue DATETIME false The expected value of AttributeName for this condition to be met. It is used when the type of this attribute/parameter is datetime.


A table containing additional information about event patterns.

Field Type Length Null? Description
EventID INT64 false PK, unique ID of event pattern.
PatternType INT32 false Type of the pattern.
IsEnabled INT32 false A flag that indicates whether pattern is enabled or not.
IsAsync INT32 false A flag that indicates whether pattern has to be evaluated asynchronously.
StartDate DATETIME true The effective date of the pattern.
EndDate DATETIME true The end date of the pattern.
ResetDuration INT64 true After pattern state becomes true, this is the time in milliseconds the pattern state remains true after that.
MatchTotal INT32 true Total score in the case of weighted counter pattern.
TimeDuration INT64 true For an advanced pattern used with Opportunity Detection, this column has time pattern time duration.
RemoteID VARCHAR 64 true For an advanced pattern used with Opportunity Detection, this column has the corresponding Opportunity Detection trigger ID.


Contains the Event information

Field Type Length Null? Description
EventID INT64 false PK, unique ID of event.
Name VARCHAR 64 false Name of event.
Description VARCHAR 512 true Description of the event.
CategoryID INT64 false FK, unique ID of category, which is similar to a folder.
EventTypeID INT32 false FK, unique ID of eventType; tells which system event this is or if it is a userdefined event.
CreateDate DATETIME true Date that this event was first created.
CreateBy INT32 true Unica ID of user who created the event.
UpdateDate DATETIME true Date that this event was last modified.
UpdateBy INT32 true Unica ID of user who last modified this event.


Type table containing EventTypes. Each record is an enumeration of the type of events understood by the system. (eg. StartSession, GetOffers, UserDefined)

Field Type Length Null? Description
EventTypeID INT32 false PK, unique ID of eventType.
Name VARCHAR 64 false Name of eventType.
IsSystemDefined INT32 false Indicates whether or not this eventtype is system defined (if 1) or user defined (if 0).


Contains the Action information.

Field Type Length Null? Description
ActionID INT32 false PK, unique ID of action.
Name VARCHAR 64 true Name of action.
Description VARCHAR 512 true Description of action.


Contains the Interactive Flowchart information - this table is really an extention of UA_Flowchart.

Field Type Length Null? Description
FlowchartID INT64 false PK, unique ID of flowchart.
ICID INT64 false FK, unique ID of Interact Channel.
AudienceLevel VARCHAR 64 false The audience level of the flowchart.
LastProdDepTime DATETIME true Last time this flowchart was deployed to a production server group.
RunEnable INT32 false Indicates whether or not this flowchart is currently deployed or about to be deployed. 0 is not deployed. 1 is deployed.
DeleteLock INT32 false Indicates whether or not this flowchart is deletable or not. 0 is deletable. 1 is not deletable.
EditLock INT32 false Indicates whether or not this flowchart may be edited. 0 is editable. 1 is not editable.
FlowchartXML TEXT true The entire definition of the flowchart in XML form.
CreateDate DATETIME true Date that this flowchart was first created.
CreateBy INT32 true Unica ID of the user who first created this flowchart.
UpdateDate DATETIME true Date that this flowchart was last modified.
UpdateBy INT32 true Unica ID of the user who last modified this flowchart.


Contains a mapping of what server groups are linked to the ICs.

Field Type Length Null? Description
ICID INT64 false FK, unique ID of Interact Channel.
ServerGroupName VARCHAR 512 true Name of server group associated to IC.
IsProduction INT32 true Flag indicating whether or not this server group will server as a production server group for the corresponding IC.


Contains the Category information. A category acts like a folder or container of events.

Field Type Length Null? Description
CategoryID INT64 false PK, unique ID of category.
Name VARCHAR 64 false Name of category.
Description VARCHAR 512 true Description of category.
ICID INT64 false FK, unique ID of interact channel.
IsSystemDefined INT32 true Indicates whether or not this category contains the system defined events.
CreateDate DATETIME true Date that this category was first created.
CreateBy INT32 true Unica ID of user who first created the category.
UpdateDate DATETIME true Date that this category was last modified.
UpdateBy INT32 true Unica ID of user who last modified this category.


Contains the interaction point information.

Field Type Length Null? Description
IPID INT64 false PK, unique ID of Interaction Point.
Name VARCHAR 64 false Name of interaction point
Description VARCHAR 512 true Description of interaction point.
DefaultString VARCHAR 1024 false Contains the default content string which is served to the client facing system on getOffers calls that do not yield any offers.
ZoneID INT64 false FK, unique ID of zone that this IP belongs to.
CreateDate DATETIME true Date that this IP was first created.
CreateBy INT32 true Unica ID of user who first created this IP.
UpdateDate DATETIME true Date that this IP was last modified.
UpdateBy INT32 true Unica ID of user who last modified this IP.


Contains the Zone information. A zone servers as a container of Interaction Points.

Field Type Length Null? Description
ZoneID INT64 false PK, unique ID of zone.
Name VARCHAR 64 false Name of zone.
Description VARCHAR 512 true Description of zone.
ICID INT64 false FK, unique ID of Interact Channel.
CreateDate DATETIME true Date when this zone was first created.
CreateBy INT32 true Unica ID of user who first created this zone.
UpdateDate DATETIME true Date when this zone was last modified.
UpdateBy INT32 true Unica ID of user who last modified this zone.
percentRandom FLOAT true Percentage of time to simply randomize the rankings vs using the score.
RuleGroupResolutionType INT32 true Indicates how to resolve ranking offers across rule groups of conflicting learning mode.
LearningMode INT32 true Indicates the learning mode for this rule group (ie., use marketer score or learning score to rank offers).
LearningModelID INT64 true If learningmode is to use learning score, then this indicates the id of the learning model to use.


Contains the Strategy information.

Field Type Length Null? Description
StrategyID INT64 false PK, unique ID of strategy.
Name VARCHAR 64 false Name of Strategy object.
Description VARCHAR 512 true Description of strategy.
CampaignID INT64 false FK, unique ID of campaign that contains the strategy.
ICID INT64 false FK, unique ID of Interact Channel.
LastProdDepTime DATETIME true Last time this strategy was deployed to a production server group.
RunEnable INT32 false Indicates whether or not this strategy is currently deployed or about to be deployed. 0 is not deployed. 1 is deployed.
DeleteLock INT32 false Indicates whether or not this strategy may be deleted. 0 is deletable. 1 is not deleteable.
EditLock INT32 false Indicates whether or not this strategy may be edited. 0 is editable. 1 is not editable.
CreateDate DATETIME true Date that this strategy is first created.
CreateBy INT32 true Unica ID of user who first created this strategy.
UpdateDate DATETIME true Date that this strategy was last modified.
UpdateBy INT32 true Unica ID of user who last modified this strategy.


Contains the Interact Channel information.

Field Type Length Null? Description
ICID INT64 false PK, unique ID of Interact channel.
Name VARCHAR 64 false Name of Interact channel.
Description VARCHAR 512 true Description of Interact channel.
OfferThreshold INT32 false Represents the maximum number of times the same offer can be served to the client facing system within the same session.
LastProdDepTime DATETIME true Timestamp of when this IC was deployed to a production server group.
RunEnable INT32 false Indicates whether or not this IC has been deployed. 0 is not deployed. 1 is deployed.
DeleteLock INT32 false Indicates whether or not this IC is deletable. 0 is deletable. 1 is not deleteable.
EditLock INT32 false Indicates whether or not this ic is editable. 0 is editable. 1 is not editable.
CreateDate DATETIME true Date that this IC was first created.
CreateBy INT32 true Unica ID of user who first created this IC.
UpdateDate DATETIME true Date that this IC was last modified.
UpdateBy INT32 true Unica ID of user who last modified this IC.
PolicyID INT32 true Security policy ID for the object, which determines which ASM users are allowed to access this object. The security policy for the object is automatically set to the security policy of the folder in which the object resides if the object is created in a folder (cannot be changed by the user). The user can change the security policy of the object by moving the object to a different folder with a different security policy (user requires "move" permissions for that object in both the source and destination security policies).
ACLID INT32 true It is directly settable by the user only when the object is created in the top-level root folder for that object type (security policies in which the user has a role are displayed as choices).
IsActive INT32 false Original intention for this column is to use it as an indicator whether or not this IC is active. Currently, this column is not used anywhere.
percentRandom FLOAT true Percentage of time to simply randomize the rankings vs using the score.
RuleGroupResolutionType INT32 true Indicates how to resolve ranking offers across rule groups of conflicting learning mode.
LearningMode INT32 true Indicates the learning mode for this rule group (ie., use marketer score or learning score to rank offers).
LearningModelID INT64 true If learningmode is to use learning score, then this indicates the id of the learning model to use.


A type table that contains each enumeration of a deployment state.

Field Type Length Null? Description
DeploymentStatusID INT32 false PK, unique ID of deployment state.
Description VARCHAR 512 true Description of the deployment state.


Contains the version information of the current Interact Design time System table installation.

Field Type Length Null? Description
VersionID INT64 false PK, unique ID of version table.
VersionNumber VARCHAR 50 false Full version (major, minor, point, and build).
Parameters VARCHAR 255 true Optional parameters - this is currently not utilized and is here for future use.
CreateDate DATETIME false Date when the interact design time system tables was installed.


Table that contains definition of Constraints.

Field Type Length Null? Description
ConstraintID INT64 false Unique ID of constraint.
OfferFamilyIndicator INT32 false Indicates whether or not the offers for this constraint are coming from an offerList or an offer folder.
OfferFolderID INT64 true ID of offer folder if the offerFamilyIndicator is set as by folder.
OfferListID INT64 true ID of offer List if the offerfamilyindicator is set as by offer list.
icID INT64 false ID of IC that contains this constraints.
isEnabled INT32 false Flag that determines if this constraint is active. Only enabled constraints are deployed to the IC.
name VARCHAR 64 true Name of Constraint object.
description VARCHAR 512 true Description of constraint object.
maxOffers INT32 true Maximum number of times that offers associated to this constraint shall be served.
startTime DATETIME true The time at which the constraint shall take effect - offers are constrainted until the start time has been reached.
endTime DATETIME true Time at which the constraint shall stop serving offers.
distInterval INT32 true Indicates the interval period for which the system will enforce a sub max, i.e., distribute no more than 100 offers per HOUR, o r per DAY, or Per 7 DAYS, etc.
maxPerInterval INT32 true The max number of offers to serve per distInterval.
allocationSize INT32 true Currently, this field is not utilized. System relies on a configuration setting for this. The purpose of the field was to indicate how many offers the interact runtime instance would allocate - this way the runtime instance doesn't have to always go back to the database for every distribution of the offer. The smaller the allocation, the more db hits.
CreateDate DATETIME true Date that the constraint object was created.
CreateBy INT32 true User ID that created the constraint object.
UpdateDate DATETIME true Last update time of the constraint object.
UpdateBy INT32 true User ID of user who last updated the constraint object.


Table that enumerates the distInterval field of the UACI_Constraint table, indicating at what level to enforce a sub max: by hour, by day, by 7 days, by 30 days, by month.

Field Type Length Null? Description
DistInterval INT32 false PK, unique ID of distribution interval.
Description VARCHAR 512 true Description.


Table that enumerates the offerFamily field of the UACI_Constraint table, indicating how we allocate the family of offers associated to a constraint, either by folder or by offer list.

Field Type Length Null? Description
OfferFamilyIndicator INT32 false PK, unique ID of offerFamily type.
Description VARCHAR 512 true Description.


Table that contains the learning model object.

Field Type Length Null? Description
LearningModelID INT64 false PK, unique ID of learning model.
Name VARCHAR 64 false Name.
Description VARCHAR 512 true Description.
icID INT64 false ID of IC that contains the learning model.
isEnabled INT32 false Flag that indicates whether or not learning model is active.
CreateDate DATETIME true Creation date of this learning model.
CreateBy INT32 true User ID that created the learning model object.
UpdateDate DATETIME true Last update time of the learning model object.
UpdateBy INT32 true User ID that last updated the learning model object.


Table that contains the attributes for each learning model object.

Field Type Length Null? Description
LearningModelAttrID INT64 false PK, unique ID of learningmodel attribute.
LearningModelID INT64 false ID of learning model that contains this attribute.
Name VARCHAR 64 false Name of attribute which this record represents.


Table that enumerates the learningMode: 1) learningmode not set 2) use marketer score 3) use learning score.

Field Type Length Null? Description
LearningMode INT32 false Indicates whether engine should use the learning score or the marketer score in ranking offers.
Description VARCHAR 512 true Description.


Table that enumerates the options for resolving rulegroup conflicts wrt learning.

Field Type Length Null? Description
RuleGroupResolutionType INT32 false Indicates how to resolve ranking offers across rule groups of conflicting learning mode.
Description VARCHAR 512 true Descrption.


Table that enumerates the type of table driven features supported by the InteractList processbox.

Field Type Length Null? Description
offerTblTypeID INT32 false Indicates the type of table driven feature that is defined.
name VARCHAR 64 true Name of the table driven feature (white list, black list, global offers, and offersBySQL).
description VARCHAR 512 true Description.


Table that contains the config info for WhiteList, blacklist and global offers.

Field Type Length Null? Description
icID INT64 false IC that will have access to the this table driven offer mapping feature.
offerTblTypeID INT32 false Indicates which table driven feature (white list, black list, global offers).
audienceLevel VARCHAR 64 false Audience level that this table driven feature represents.
physicalTable VARCHAR 64 false Name of physical table containing the offerCodes.
isEnabled INT32 false Indicates whether or not this offersByTbl definition is active.
lastRunTime DATETIME false Indicates the last time that the campaign batch flowchart containing the Interact List process box was run.
lastRunBy INT32 false User ID of who ran the campaign batch flowchart containing the Interact List process box that populates this record.
sourceFlowchartID INT64 false ID of the Campaign flowchart that contains the Interact List process box that populates this record.


Table that contains config info for OffersBySQL definitions.

Field Type Length Null? Description
icID INT64 false Globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values.
offerSQLName VARCHAR 64 false May be any text characters, minus standard disallowed special name characters.
offerSQLTemplate VARCHAR 4000 true May be any text characters, minus standard disallowed special name characters.
physicalTable VARCHAR 64 true May be any text characters, minus standard disallowed special name characters.
isEnabled INT32 false Flag indicating whether or not offersBySQL is enabled. Values may be one of:
  • 0='This is disabled'
  • 1='This is enabled'
isDefault INT32 false Flag indicating whether or not offersBySQL is the default. Values may be one of:
  • 0='This is not the default'
  • 1='This is the default'
lastRunTime DATETIME false The date and time on which offersBySQL was last run.
lastRunBy INT32 false Marketing Platform ID of the user who last ran offersBySQL. Must be a valid userId in the Marketing Platform database.
sourceFlowchartID INT64 false ID of the Campaign flowchart that contains the Interact List process box that populates this record.


Table that overrides offer attribute values inherited from offer templates and definitions. Override values are specified by editing offer attributes for individual rules within the Interactive Strategy. Overrides defined in this table are only used during offer personalization; they are ignored when calculating offer inclusion.

Field Type Length Null? Description
RuleID INT64 false Unique ID of the Rule. Must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameters values for generated values.
OfferAttributeID INT64 false The ID of the offer attribute this rule overrides.
Expression VARCHAR 4000 true The macro expression overrides the inherited attribute values during offer personalization. This attribute value override is ignored when calculating offer inclusion.


Contains information for the event pattern reset.

Field Type Length Null? Description
ResetID INT64 false PK. ID of an event pattern reset.
EventID INT64 false FK, unique ID of Event.
ResetType INT false Type of resets.
  • Inactivity
  • PeriodicReset
  • EventTrigger
Criteria CLOB true JSON data to define reset conditions


Contains definition of bins for learning attributes .

Field Type Length Null? Description
BinDefID BIGINT false

pk,Unique ID of a bin definition . Must be a globally unique positive integer

within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values.

Description VARCHAR 512 true Description of bin def . May be any text characters, minus standard disallowed special name characters.
AttributeName VARCHAR 512 false Name of the attribute. May be any text characters, minus standard disallowed special name characters.
AttrbuteDataType INT false Datatype of the attribute
Bins VARCHAR 2048 true JSON format of list of bins defined for this attribute values
CreateDate TIMESTAMP false Timestamp when the record is created
CreateBy BIGINT false Marketing Platform ID of the user who created this bin. Must be a valid userid in the Marketing Platform database
UpdateDate TIMESTAMP false Date of when this bin was last modified.
UpdateBy BIGINT false Marketing Platform ID of the user who last modified this bin. Must be a valid userid in the Marketing Platform database


This is a relationship table to associate a Bin definition with an IC and AudienceLevel because a Bin definition can exist in multiple ICs and multiple profile tables.

Field Type Length Null? Description
BinDefID BIGINT false Pk .Unique ID of a bin definition . Must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values.

FK to UACI_IntChannel . unique ID of the interactive

channel. Must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values.

AudienceLevel VARCHAR 64 true Audience Level of the attribute


This table contain summary of each simulation Runs.

Column Name Data Type Allow Null? Key type Description
RunID bigint no primary ID of a simulation run
ScenarioID bigint no foreign key to UACI_SimulationScenario ID of scenario definition record
CreateTime timestamp no The date time this record was created
CreatedBy bigint no The ID of the user who created this record
RunBy bigint yes The ID of the user who start this simulation run
StartDateTime timestamp yes Start datetime of run
EndDateTime timestamp yes End datetime of run
RunBy int no User id who runs
Status int no

Run status,

0: success,

1: simulation not enable on the server group,

2: error retrieving the simulation information

3: invalid simulation scenario

4: error creating the table for storing simulation results

5: error retrieving the audience information

6: error connecting to the database

7: error persisting the simulation results

8: the specified simulation scenario cannot be found

9: internal processing error

10: error updating UACI_SimulationHistory with the result after simulation completed

AudienceProcessed int yes Number of audiences processed in this simulation run
Parameters Varchar yes Optional parameters passed to the run time for this specific run
Summary Varchar yes JSON data for general status
JMXStat Varchar yes The JMX stats collected during this simulation run


This table is used to store Simulation Scenario.

Column Name Data Type Allow Null? Key type Description
ScenarioID INT No primary Unique ID of the scenario.
ICID INT No Unique ID of the interactive channel. It must be a globally unique positive integer within the internalIDLowerLimit and internalIDUpperLimit configuration parameter values for generated values.
Name VARCHAR No Name of the scenario.
Description VARCHAR Yes Description of the scenario.
ScenarioType INT No Type of scenario, either basic or advanced.
isTemplate INT No Determines if the scenario is a template.
Details CLOB Yes Details of the scenario, a JSON string to specify API calls and API parameters.
CreateDate DATETIME Yes Creation date of the scenario.
CreateBy INT Yes User ID that created the scenario.
UpdateDate DATETIME Yes Last update time of the scenario.
UpdateBy INT Yes User ID that last updated the scenario.
ResultTable Varchar no Database table name for saving simulation results
CheckResult int no Boolean to indicate if previous run results will be checked or not when user fires a run

UACI_SimResults_< ScenarioId>

These tables will be created only once user runs the coverage simulation scenario and will contain the simulation results for the Coverage scenario.

Column Name Data Type Allow Null? Key type Description
AudienceID no one column for each component
SegmentID bigint yes Segment ID for the audience
ZoneID bigint yes ZoneID where the offer is displayed
OfferID bigint yes OfferID of returned offer for the audience.

UACI_SimResults_< ScenarioId >_Attributes

This table contains the attributes selected by the user in the Coverage Scenario definition.

Column Name Data Type Allow Null? Key type Description
AudienceID As per profile table column no one column for each component
Attributes varchar yes JSON format of selected extra profile attributes