New features and changes in version 10.0
HCL® Interact 10.0 includes the following new features.
New gateways supported for triggered messages
You can use the new triggered message gateways to send and receive offer information from inbound and outbound channels.
The following gateways are now supported.
- UBX inbound gateway
- UBX outbound gateway
- Silverpop Transact Email outbound gateway
- Marketing Cloud Mobile Push outbound gateway
Run simulations to test API scenarios
You can run basic and advanced simulations in design time to easily test the events, event patterns, and strategies you defined for your interactive channel to make sure you receive the results you are expecting in runtime.
Basic scenarios simulate startSession
and getOffer
APIs. For
basic scenarios, you can define a name, description, audience level, audience ID, zone, and number
of offers for your scenario.
Interact | monitoring | activitySubscribers node added to configuration properties
This set of configuration properties enables the root node for the settings that are related to remote subscribers that can receive periodic update on basic performance data in the Interact runtime environment.
Search for interactive channels
You can now search your interactive channel listing to quickly find the interactive channel you want to work with.
Installation changes for the Event Pattern ETL
The Event Pattern ETL is now installed by default when the Interact runtime component is selected during installation.
Context-sensitive help for Configuration properties
When you view configuration properties under Campaign | caching page, you see a help topic that specifically describes all of the caching options. You must have an internet connection to use this feature.
, you can choose to display context-sensitive help. For example, if you request help for theEnhanced user interface for Marketing Platform, Campaign, Interact, and Contact Optimization
This release updates the user interface so that it is easy to use, offers a clean, modern design, and delivers improved inline text and error messages. The new look does not change how the product works, and you can get updated documentation from the Help menu.
EMM files and directories renamed to IMS
Files and folders that included "EMM" have been changed to IMS. For example, the default top-level directory is now C:\IBM\IMS and the names of the installers are IBM_Marketing_Software_Installer_10.0.0.0_linux.bin,, and IBM_Marketing_Software_Installer_10.0.0.0_win.exe.