The Optimize process Score tab
The Score tab in the Optimize process allows you to populate the ScorePerOffer field in your proposed contacts table (PCT) with different scores for offer and cell combinations.
To have your settings on the Score tab of the Optimize process take effect, you must:
- Choose the Scoring Method Use score field on the Scoring tab of an optimization session.
- Select the ScorePerOffer field for the Score field.
The Score tab of the Optimize process populates only the ScorePerOffer field of the PCT.
If you select Use score field on the Scoring tab of your Contact Optimization session, you must populate some field in the PCT with a score for optimization. One way to populate the field is to complete the Score tab of the Optimize process. Other ways might include:
- Using a Score field that is created by the SPSS® Score process
- Using a predictive model score field that is stored in your marketing database
- Computing a score by using a derived field.
All flowcharts that participate in the same Contact Optimization session must populate the same score field in the PCT field you specify on the Scoring tab of your Contact Optimization session. You can select only one column in your PCT to contain scores.
If you select Manually enter score matrix on the Scoring tab of your Contact Optimization session, while you must submit scores through the Optimize process, the scores are ignored. The values in the score matrix are used instead.