Integration of Campaign with eMessage

When HCL® Campaign is integrated with HCL eMessage, you can use eMessage to conduct highly personalized email marketing campaigns. eMessage provides access to the resources that are hosted by HCL. With eMessage you can design, send, and individually monitor customized messages that are based on the information that is stored in your customer data mart.

In Campaign, use flowcharts to create lists of email recipients and select personalization data for each recipient.

In eMessage, use email design, transmission, and delivery resources that are hosted by IBM to conduct email marketing campaigns.

When you install HCL Campaign, the installer automatically includes the files that are required to support HCL eMessage. The following actions are completed for eMessage:
  • eMessage is created as a sub-directory in the Campaign directory structure.
  • eMessage configuration properties are listed in the HCL Marketing Platform, but the properties are not active.
  • eMessage-specific database tables are created in the Campaign schema. However, the database tables contain only initial data.
  • Menus and other features that are specific to eMessage do not appear until you enable and configure eMessage.

Before you can send personalized marketing email, you must request a hosted email account from HCL.

When you request an email account, HCL begins a consultation process to familiarize you with eMessage, connect you to hosted email resources, and establish your reputation as a legitimate email marketer among leading Internet Service Providers (ISPs). Establishing a favorable reputation is critical to successfully delivering your marketing message to your customers and prospects.

For more information about how to enable and configure eMessage and prepare your hosted email account, see the HCL eMessage Startup and Administrator’s Guide.

eMessage components

eMessage requires specialized components called the Recipient List Uploader (RLU) and the Response and Contact Tracker (RCT).

The RLU is a eMessage plugin component that operates with Campaign to upload addresses, personalization data, and metadata that is associated with a list of email recipients to IBM EMM Hosted Services.

The eMessage RCT retrieves link tracking and email delivery notification data from IBM EMM Hosted Services, and stores the data in the eMessage system tables that reside in the Campaign schema.

The eMessage components operate when you enable and configure HCL eMessage. For more information about enabling eMessage and working with the RLU and RCT, see the HCL eMessage Startup and Administrator's Guide.

Default component installation locations

The HCL installer places the RLU on the computer where you installed the Campaign J2EE application. The RLU location is recorded in the Campaign > partitions > partition1 > eMessage > eMessagePluginJarFile configuration property.

The installer places the RCT on the computer where you installed the Campaign server.

If the J2EE and server components are on separate computers, run the installer on each machine to install the RLU with the J2EE application and the RCT with the Campaign server.

eMessage components in multiple partitions

One RLU exists for the entire eMessage installation. The installer populates the eMessagePluginJarFile configuration property only for the default partition. If you are using multiple partitions in your eMessage installation, you must manually configure the location of the RLU for all other partitions. The location specified in the eMessagePluginJarFile property is the same for all partitions. For more information, see Specifying the Recipient List Uploader location for eMessage.

Only one RCT exists for the entire eMessage installation. eMessage does not need to specify the location of the RCT in a configuration property. Responses that are received by the RCT automatically specify the appropriate local partition for correct response attribution.