Installing IBM SPSS Modeler Advantage Marketing Edition by using the GUI mode

For Windows™, use the GUI mode to install IBM® SPSS® Modeler Advantage Marketing Edition. For UNIX™, use the X Window System mode to install IBM SPSS Modeler Advantage Marketing Edition.

Before you begin

Make sure that the IBM EMM installer and the IBM SPSS Modeler Advantage Marketing Edition installers are in the same directory on the computer where you want to install IBM SPSS Modeler Advantage Marketing Edition.

Before you install IBM SPSS Modeler Advantage Marketing Edition, make sure that you have configured the following elements:
  • An application server profile
  • A database schema

For more information about configuring application server, see "Configuration" in the IBM SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services (C&DS) Guide.


Complete the following actions to install IBM SPSS Modeler Advantage Marketing Edition by using the GUI mode:
  1. Go to the folder where you have saved the IBM EMM installer and double-click the installer to start it.
  2. Click OK on the first screen to see the Introduction window.
  3. Follow the instructions on the installer, and click Next.
    Use the information in the following table to take the appropriate actions on each window in the IBM EMM installer:
    Table 1. IBM EMM installer GUI

    This two-columned table provides information about the windows in the IBM EMM installer in the first column, and information about the windows in the second column.

    Window Description

    This is the first window of the IBM EMM suite installer. You can open the IBM SPSS Modeler Advantage Marketing Edition Installation Guide from this window.

    Click Next to go to the next window.

    Response Files Destination

    Click the Generate Response File check box if you want to generate response files for your product. Response files store the information that is necessary for the installation of your product. You can use response files for an unattended.

    Click Choose to browse to a location where you want to store the response files.

    Click Next to go to the next window.

    IBM EMM Products

    In the Install Set list, select Custom to select the products that you want to install.

    In the Install Set area, you can see all the products whose installation files are in the same directory on your computer.

    In the Description field, you can view the description of the product that you select in the Install Set area.

    Click Next to go to the next window.

    Installation Directory

    Click Choose to browse to the directory where you want to install IBM EMM.

    Click Next to go to the next window.

    Select Application Server
    Select one of the following application servers for the installation:
    • IBM WebSphere®
    • Oracle WebLogic

    Click Next to go to the next window.

    Platform Database Type

    Select the appropriate Marketing Platform database type.

    Click Next to go to the next window.

    Platform Database Connection
    Enter the following information about your database:
    • Database host name
    • Database port
    • Database name or System ID (SID)
    • Database user name
    • Database password
    Click Next to go to the next window.
    Important: If IBM EMM products are installed in a distributed environment, you must use the machine name rather than an IP address in the navigation URL for all of the applications in the suite. Also, if you are on a clustered environment and choose to use ports that are different from the default ports 80 or 443 for your deployment, do not use a port number in the value of this property.

    Review and confirm the JDBC connection.

    Click Next to go to the next window.

    Preinstallation Summary

    Review and confirm the values that you added during the installation process.

    Click Install to start the installation process.

  4. The IBM SPSS Modeler Advantage Marketing Edition installer opens. Use the information in the following table to navigate the IBM SPSS Modeler Advantage Marketing Edition installer:
    Table 2. IBM SPSS Modeler Advantage Marketing Edition installer GUI

    This two-columned table provides information about the windows in the IBM SPSS Modeler Advantage Marketing Edition installer in the first column, and information about the windows in the second column.

    Window Description

    This is the first window of the IBM SPSS Modeler Advantage Marketing Edition installer. You can open the IBM SPSS Modeler Advantage Marketing Edition Installation Guide from this window.

    Click Next to go to the next window.

    Software Licence Agreement

    Carefully read the agreement. Use Print to print the agreement. Click Next after you accept the agreement.

    IBM SPSS MA Marketing Edition Components
    Select the components that you want to install. You can select one or more components from the following list:
    • SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services (CnDS).

      Select the SPSS C&DS server installation and the SPSS C&DS server configuration check boxes to enable the SPSS C&DS tool to install and configure C&DS at once.

      If you want to configure SPSS C&DS later, do not select the SPSS C&DS server configuration check box.

    • SPSS Modeler Server
    • SPSS Decision Management

    Click Next to go to the next window.

    Installation Directory

    Click Choose to browse to the directory where you want to install IBM SPSS Modeler Advantage Marketing Edition.

    Click Next to go to the next window.

    Preinstallation Summary

    Review and confirm the values that you added during the installation process.

    Click Install to start the installation process.

    You can see the installation progress on the Installing IBM SPSS MA Marketing Edition window. During the installation of IBM SPSS Modeler Server, the IBM SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services Configuration Tool (C&DS configuration tool) opens.

  5. Use the information in the following table to navigate the IBM SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services Configuration Tool window:
    Table 3. IBM SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services Configuration Tool GUI

    This two-columned table provides information about the windows in the IBM SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services Configuration Tool in the first column, and information about the windows in the second column.

    Window Description

    Click Next to start the configuration.

    Application Server
    Select one of the following application servers:
    • IBM WebSphere
    • Oracle WebLogic
    • JBoss
    Important: Do not select JBoss as IBM does not support IBM SPSS Modeler Advantage Enterprise Marketing Management Edition installation by using JBoss.

    Configure the appropriate information for your application server.

    Click Next to go to the next window.


    In the Database Type field, select your database type.

    Enter the following information in the corresponding fields:
    • Host name
    • Port
    • Database name
    • User name
    • Password

    Click Next to go to the next window.

    Existing data
    If the database contains existing data, complete one of the following actions by selecting the corresponding check box:
    • Preserve existing data
    • Erase existing data

    Click Next to go to the next window.


    Assign a password for your Java™ Virtual Machine (JVM) or select the Reuse existing keystore check box to use an existing keystore. If you select the Reuse existing keystore check box, in the Keystore path field, you must browse and select the keystore file.

    For more information about "keystore", see "Configuration" in the chapter "Installation" in the IBM SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services (C&DS) Guide.

    Click Next to go to the next window.

    Repository Admin

    Enter the password for the repository administrator.

    For more information about the admin user, see "Configuration" in the chapter "Installation" in the IBM SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services (C&DS) Guide.

    Click Next to go to the next window.

    Deployment mode

    Make sure that you select the Automatic radio button.

    Click Next to go to the next window.

    Configuration summary

    Review the values that you selected.

    Click Configure to start the deployment and configuration.

    The deployment and configuration process might need several minutes to complete. After the deployment and configuration is complete, you can see the Installation Complete window in the IBM SPSS Modeler Advantage Marketing Edition installer.

    Configuration successful

    Click Finish to exit the IBM SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services Configuration Tool.

  6. In the SPSS Components Installation Summary window, click Done to exit the IBM SPSS Modeler Advantage Marketing Edition installer and go back to the IBM EMM installer.
  7. Follow the instructions on the IBM EMM installer to finish installing IBM SPSS Modeler Advantage Marketing Edition.
    Use the information in the following table to take the appropriate actions on each window in the IBM EMM installer.
    Table 4. IBM EMM installer GUI

    This two-columned table provides information about the windows in the IBM EMM installer in the first column, and information about the windows in the second column.

    Window Description
    Deployment EAR file

    Specify whether you want to create an enterprise archive (EAR) file to deploy your IBM EMM products.

    Click Next to go to the next window.

    Package EAR file

    You can see this window if you select Create an EAR file for deployment in the Deployment EAR file window.

    Select the applications that you want to package in the EAR file.

    EAR file details
    Enter the following information for your EAR file:
    • Enterprise application identifier
    • Display name
    • Description
    • EAR file path
    EAR file details (continued)

    Select Yes or No to create an additional EAR file. If you select Yes, you must enter the details for the new EAR file.

    Click Next to complete the installation of your product.

    Deployment EAR file

    Specify whether you want to create another EAR file to deploy your IBM EMM products.

    Click Next to go to the next window.

    Installation Complete

    This window provides the locations of the log files that are created during installation.

    Click Previous if you want to change any installation details.

    Click Done to close the IBM EMM installer.

    For information about deploying SPSS manually, see "Manual deployment" in chapter "Installation" in the IBM SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services (C&DS) Guide.