Installation roadmap

Use the installation roadmap to quickly find the information that you need for installing IBM® SPSS® Modeler Advantage Enterprise Marketing Management Edition.

You can use IBM SPSS Modeler Advantage Enterprise Marketing Management Edition installation roadmap to review the order that tasks that must be completed for installing IBM SPSS Modeler Advantage Enterprise Marketing Management Edition.
Table 1. IBM SPSS Modeler Advantage Enterprise Marketing Management Edition installation roadmap

This three-columned table lists the phases required in the installation process. The second column provides details about the tasks. The third column lists the tasks in the documentation.

Phase Details Documentation
1. Install or upgrade the operating system software. Supported operating systems:
  • Unix
  • Linux
  • Windows

    Microsoft Windows Server 2012R2 is a 64-bit platform. There are no 32-bit versions.

Refer to the documentation for your operating system.
2. Install or upgrade the database server. DB2 Enterprise Server Edition, version 10.1 FP 2

The runtime environment can require several databases.

See Configuring a DB2 database. Also refer to the HCL Marketing Platform Installation Guide or HCL Marketing Platform Upgrade Guide.
3. Install or upgrade the application server. Supported application servers:
  • Oracle WebLogic
  • HCL WebSphere version 8.5

    With the IBM EMM installer, the WebSphere Application Server will be automatically configured to run IBM EMM.

    Note: Be sure that WebSphere is shut down before beginning the installation.
Refer to the documentation for your application server.
4. Install or upgrade HCL Marketing Platform version 9.1. Refer to the HCL Marketing Platform Installation Guide or HCL Marketing Platform Upgrade Guide.
5. Install or upgrade HCL Campaign version 9.1. Refer to the HCL Campaign Installation Guide or HCL Campaign Upgrade Guide.
6. Install IBM SPSS Modeler Advantage Enterprise Marketing Management Edition version 8.0. There are three methods for installation: GUI, console, and silent install mode. See the topics in Installing Marketing PlatformCampaignDistributed MarketingeMessageContact OptimizationInteractLeadsOpportunity DetectDigital Analytics for On PremisesCustomerInsightPredictiveInsightMarketing OperationsInteraction HistoryAttribution ModelerIBM SPSS Modeler Advantage Enterprise Marketing Management Edition and Attribution Modeler.
7. Complete the installation. See Completing the installation.
8. Start the SPSS Listener. See Starting IBM SPSS Modeler Advantage Enterprise Marketing Management Edition Listener process in UNIX.
9. Install the SPSS Deployment Manager and configure the connections. See the topics in Configuring IBM SPSS Modeler Advantage Enterprise Marketing Management Edition after installation.
10. Configure the integration. Refer to the HCL Campaign and IBM SPSS Modeler Advantage Enterprise Marketing Management Edition Integration Guide, chapter 2.