Configuration settings for a clustered listener configuration

The configuration properties for clustered listeners are set automatically during installation. However, you can adjust them by choosing Settings > Configuration.

The purpose of this topic is to identify the configuration properties that pertain to a clustered (multiple-node) listener configuration. For details about configuration, see the appropriate topic for each configuration setting.

After you make cluster configuration changes, use the unica_svradm utility Refresh command to inform the master listener of the change.

The following configuration options pertain to a clustered listener configuration:

  • Campaign|campaignClustering: These properties pertain to the cluster as a whole. Set enableClustering to TRUE, then set all of the remaining properties in this category: masterListenerLoggingLevels, masterListenerHeartbeatInterval, webServerDelayBetweenRetries, webServerRetryAttempts, campaignSharedHome.
  • Campaign|unicaACListener|node[n]: Configure an individual child node for each listener in the cluster. If enableClustering is TRUE, you must configure at least one child node or an error will occur during startup. The following properties are available for each listener node: serverHost, serverPort, useSSLForPort2, serverPort2, masterListenerPriority, loadBalanceWeight.
  • Campaign|unicaACListener: The following properties pertain to all of the listener nodes in the cluster: enableWindowsImpersonation, enableWindowsEventLogging, logMaxBackupIndex, logStringEncoding, systemStringEncoding, loggingLevels, maxReuseThreads, threadStackSize, logMaxFileSize, windowsEventLoggingLevels, useSSL, keepalive.
    Important: The following Campaign|unicaACListener properties are ignored when enableClustering is TRUE: serverHost, serverPort, useSSLForPort2, serverPort2. Instead, use Campaign|unicaACListener|node[n] to set these properties for each individual node.
  • Campaign|partitions|partition[n]|server|flowchartSave: It is a best practice to configure autosaveFrequency and checkpointFrequency. You can override these global settings by editing a flowchart and choosing Admin > Advanced to set Auto-save (during user configuration) and Checkpoint (during flowchart execution).