How do I download and use mail attachments on an Android device?
Some email attachments may be automatically downloaded depending on your attachments filter setting.
About this task
If an attachment is not already present on the phone, pressing the attachment icon or name offers you the option to download it. If there are attachments under the configured auto-download size, they will automatically download in sequence. However, you can select any number of attachments to download in parallel, though the number of simultaneous network connections is limited. Should the maximum number of connections be reached, subsequent requests will fail.
A progress dialog displays when the download begins. If you want to continue working with mail while the download is progressing, you may press Continue. Or you may press Cancel to stop the download.
When an attachment is available on your phone, pressing the icon or name offers you the option of viewing, exporting, or sharing it. If you select View, you can choose a viewer. If you select Export, the attachment will be decrypted and stored at the location you choose. Share lets you share or send the attachment using another application. Note that all of these options may be disabled by your Administrator.