Server Document settings
The following settings are specified in the Server Document for the IBM Traveler server that are of interest. Some settings affect IBM Traveler and others do not. Some settings will vary if Internet Site Documents are enabled.
Setting | Field name | Description |
Load Internet configurations from Server\Internet Sites documents | LdISite | 0 Disabled, 1 Enabled |
Setting | Field name | Description |
Host name(s) | HTTP_HostName | Host Name |
Number active threads | HTTP_MaxActiveThreads | Number of HTTP threads to process HTTP requests thereby limiting how many devices can be connected simultaneously. |
Setting | Field name | Description |
HTTP persistent connections | HTTP_11Connections | 0 Disabled, 1 Enabled |
Maximum requests per persistent connection | HTTP_Max11Requests | Maximum requests per persistent |
Persistent connection timeout | HTTP_PersistentTimeout | Persistent connection timeout (seconds) |
Request timeout | HTTP_RequestTimeout | Request timeout (seconds) |
Input timeout | HTTP_RNInputTimeout | Input timeout (seconds) |
Output timeout | HTTP_RNOutputTimeout | Output timeout (seconds) |
CGI timeout | HTTP_RNCGITimeout | CGI timeout (seconds) - not applicable |
Setting | Field name | Description |
Input timeout | HTTP_InputTimeout | Input timeout (minutes) - not applicable |
Output timeout | HTTP_OutputTimeout | Output timeout (minutes) - not applicable |
CGI timeout | HTTP_ScriptTimeout | CGI timeout (minutes) - not applicable |
Idle timeout | HTTP_IdleThreadTimeout | Idle thread timeout (minutes) - not applicable |
Setting | Field name | Description |
Maximum URL length | HTTP_MaxURLBytes | Kilobytes |
Maximum number of URL path segments | HTTP_MaxURLPathSegment | Number |
Maximum number of request headers | HTTP_MaxHeaderLines | Number |
Maximum size of request headers | HTTP_MaxHeaderBytes | Kilobytes |
Maximum size of request content | HTTP_MaxContentLength | This limit (in kilobytes) is normally only reached when trying to send mail
from the device with large attachments which might put the request over this limit. Because attachments must be encoded for HTTP transport, mail messages may be as much as 1/3 larger than their original size. You can raise this setting to address this issue, but take into account the HTTP JVM heap memory, the number of concurrent requests, and the size of those requests, which will all vary greatly over time. In general, it is recommended that you not increase the file attachment size to more than 20MB. |
Setting | Field name | Description |
Session authentication | HTTP_EnableSessionAuth | 0 Disabled, 1 Single, 2 Multiple |
Maximum active sessions | HTTP_MaxActiveSessions | Number |
Setting | Field name | Description |
Maximum cached users | HTTP_MaxCachedUsers | Number. Generally, this should be over 1024 to handle the IBM Traveler load. |
Cached user expiration interval | HTTP_ExpireCachedUsers | Seconds. Generally, this should be above 3600 to avoid expiring entries too quickly. |
Setting | Field name | Description |
Maximum active sessions | HTTP_MaxActiveJSessions | Number |
Setting | Field name | Description |
Maximum POST data (in kilobytes) | HTTP_maxPostDataLength | This limit (in kilobytes) is normally only reached when trying to send mail
from the device with large attachments which might put the request over this limit. Because attachments must be encoded for HTTP transport, mail messages may be as much as 1/3 larger than their original size. You can raise this setting to address this issue, but take into account the HTTP JVM heap memory, the number of concurrent requests, and the size of those requests, which will all vary greatly over time. In general, it is recommended that you not increase the file attachment size to more than 20MB. |
Setting | Field name | Description |
Enabled Services | HTTP_EnabledServices | Requires TravelerAdmin, PUT, and DELETE for the xPages admin to work properly. |
Setting | Field name | Description |
Methods | WSHTTPMthds | 1 GET, 2 HEAD, 3 POST, 4 OPTIONS, 5 TRACE, 6 PUT, 7 DELETE, 8 PATCH. GET and POST are always required. If Exchange ActiveSync is needed, then OPTIONS is also required. If using xPages admin, you also need PUT and DELETE. |
Setting | Field name | Description |
Enabled Services | WSEnabledServices | Needs to include TravelerAdmin for the xPages admin to work properly. |