Setting auto sync options
You can use auto sync options to maximize the battery life
of mobile devices.
Configuring scheduled sync One method for conserving battery life on mobile devices is to reduce the amount of time that they stay connected to the IBM Traveler server. You can also reduce the frequency which the device syncs with the server. These features are possible using scheduled sync.
Using SMS mode for auto sync You can set IBM Traveler to use SMS (Short Message Service) mode for auto sync, which can increase battery life. This topic only applies to Android, Symbian, and Windows devices.
Using APNS mode for auto sync You can set IBM Traveler for Apple devices to use APNS (Apple Push Notification Service) mode for auto sync for the To Dos and Verse apps.
Using GCM mode for auto sync You can set IBM Traveler on Android to use GCM (Google Cloud Messaging) mode for auto sync, which can increase battery life.
Setting the heartbeat algorithm maximum interval Normally, it is not necessary to modify the maximum interval. However, if you know the network timeout values specific to your environment, then some efficiency may be gained by customizing it.
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