Processing encrypted mail on an Android device
Reading and sending HCL Domino® encrypted and signed mail messages can be performed from an Android device. HCL Verse implements an encryption and decryption strategy that requires server-side access to the user Notes® ID file. The ID file contains the private and public keys necessary to digitally sign, encrypt, and decrypt mail messages.
For digital signing, encrypting, or decrypting to work, the Notes® ID file must be uploaded to the mail file or the ID vault. See "How do I upload my Notes® ID file?" .
Note: Only Domino®-encrypted mail is supported on the HCL Verse client. Encrypted calendar, to-do, and
notebook entries are not supported. SMIME encryption is unavailable.
Note: Use either a secure socket layer (SSL) connection or a virtual private
network (VPN) solution when encryption is enabled on the HCL Traveler server.
How do I... | Action |
Upload my Notes® ID file? |
Read encrypted mail? |