General limitations

This topic describes general limitations that apply to all HCL Traveler devices.

Setup issues

Table 1. Setup issues
Problem Details
Users cannot setup a device when their passwords contain a YEN character.

If you use a Shift-JIS (Japanese) keyboard, some non-alphabetic characters, for example the YEN character ( ¥ ), can't be used in passwords because they do not match the ISO-8859-1 encoding used in Traveler. When you use such characters you can't log in due to a password mismatch. To avoid the problem, use non-alphabetic characters from the standard ASCII character set. e.g. @ # $ % ^ & * - _ + = [ ] { } | : ' , . ? / ` ~ " ( ) ; ! < >

Mail issues

Table 2. Mail issues
Problem Details
Mail bodies that are neither Rich Text nor MIME are not supported.

The Domino HTML API does not support conversion of mail body types that are not strictly Rich Text or MIME. To prevent crashes and other unexpected behavior while processing unsupported mail body types, the device instead displays the following message:

This document contains a body format that is not supported by HCL Traveler, 
and requires the use of HCL Notes, iNotes or the Verse Web client to view the content.

This is an uncommon scenario and is generally associated with messages that are generated automatically within the Domino domain. To prevent this problem, please ensure that all automatically-generated messages are of Rich Text or MIME format.

Follow-up and Junk folders do not sync to device.

These folders in HCL Domino® are views and not real folders. Therefore when monitoring folder activity, HCL Traveler does not receive notifications related to these folders.

Execution Security Alert popup when opening a mail folder using a Notes® client.

If you create a mail folder on a mobile device that supports mail folder operations using the HCL Traveler client, the folder will be created in your mail database using the HCL Traveler server. Since folders are design elements and must be digitally signed, the folder will have the signature of the HCL Traveler server that created it. By default, your Notes® client will warn you when it detects a signature it has not seen before and will ask permission to allow the action requested by the folder. If you see this warning, select Start trusting the signer to execute this action so that you will not see this prompt again for this action.

Mail attachments are not always included on reply and forward.

If you are replying to or forwarding a mail message on the mobile device that has had its attachments removed because of HCL Traveler truncation options, then you must first retrieve the complete email message and reply to or forward it from the device. This same restriction applies to a large amount of email body text that may have been truncated. In order to resend the entire message from the device, it must first be retrieved using the Download Message option.

Mail documents only appear in one folder.

The HCL Notes Client allows a single mail document to be in multiple folders or views, but the mail application on the device only allows a single mail document in a single folder. Therefore, the device will only show the mail document in the most recent folder. If you are using the HCL Notes Client Send and File feature or a rule with a Copy to Folder action, the mail message will only appear in one folder on the device even though it may appear in multiple folders/views in the HCL Notes client. Sent and Drafts are special in that they are always the most recent if the document appears in either one of them.

Folders created on the mobile device do not appear on the Domino® server

If you create a folder on the mobile device, it does not appear on the Domino® server until after the mail database is closed and reopened.

The Continue Search on Server... feature does not work.

This makes an Exchange ActiveSync search request to the server for mail with the criteria the user defines. HCL Traveler currently treats all searches as name look-ups and, as a result, does not return anything the device expects.

Sending encrypted mails from a device to Group recipients is not supported.

The sender will receive a notification mail that the message was not sent. The mail will be saved to the Drafts folder.

Mail deleted on a mobile device does not appear in the Trash folder on a Notes client with a local replica.

This issue applies to HCL Traveler and higher versions.

If you are using a Notes client with a local replica (or a managed mail replica), then mail deleted on the mobile device may not appear in the Trash folder on your local mail replica. If you are using a local replica and cannot find a mail message in the Notes client trash, you should be able to find it in the Trash folder of the same mail database on your Domino server. This case only exists for messages that are deleted by a client other than the Notes client (such as an HCL Traveler client or an iNotes client) prior to the message replicating to the local Notes client replica.

Exchange ActiveSync devices cannot support the full range of acceptable Domino mail addresses, and addresses appear as gibberish in the Contact information or mail address fields.

To allow Exchange ActiveSync devices to properly handle non-standard internet address formats, HCL Traveler encodes them into internet addresses supported by these devices. Without this encoding, instances of mail delivery failure, incorrect calendar and contact entries, and even device application crashes are possible. The encoding applies to individual addresses as well as group names.

Inline images sent by HCL Traveler devices may be converted to attachments.

If a user's incoming mail format preference is set to “Prefers Notes Rich Text", the router will convert incoming MIME messages to Notes Rich Text format. However, Domino does not currently support the conversion of all file types. As a result, these are instead handled as unrecognized media types and are converted as attachments. This is a Domino limitation.

Clients do not prompt to save a copy of sent mail.

By design, if the server notes.ini NTS_SENDMAIL_SAVE_OPTIONS is set to "user" (the default), HCL Traveler honors the user's sent mail save preferences. The exception is if NTS_SENDMAIL_SAVE_OPTIONS=user AND the "Save copies of messages that I sent is set to Ask Me (to prompt). Traveler clients do not support the option of prompting whether to save the mail. In this case, the Traveler server always saves the mail to the sent folder.

Mail synchronized to the Drafts folder on the device loses formatting.

When mail is synchronized to the Drafts folder on the mobile client, the content is synchronized as plain text. Any rich text formatting within the document is not included. Editing the draft content on the device and/or sending the mail removes any formatting from the mail document. Use HCL Notes, HCL iNotes, or HCL Verse web clients when editing or sending drafts.

Calendar issues

Table 3. Calendar issues
Problem Details
Calendar entries past the year 2067 do not sync. Calendar entries past the year 2067, on both the device and server, are not synchronized. This applies to both repeating or individual events.
Event locations with room information cannot be modified from the device. Room reservations can not be updated from the device. Existing room information is appended to the location field for display, but will prevent the location from being updated from the device.
Resource information is not synced to the device. Resource reservations are not supported by the Traveler server and will not be synced to any mobile devices.
Draft meetings created with HCL Notes do not correctly sync to the device calendar. HCL Traveler does not currently support meetings saved as drafts. Drafted meeting documents may not contain the necessary information to sync the event to the device calendar correctly.
Editing event description text on device causes loss of formatting and attachments. Editing the calendar event description text on the device causes the plain text version of the description to be synced back to the mail server, so Rich Text formatting is lost on the mail server copy of the event. Furthermore, editing the description text of a calendar event on the mobile device will cause the attachments to be removed from the event, even from the server copy of the event.

Mobile apps may prevent the editing of description text if the calendar event contains attachments, to ensure those attachments are not unintentionally deleted.

Calendar filtering does not apply to individual instances of recurring meetings and appointments.

If a recurring meeting includes some instances that match the criteria of the calendar filter and some that do not, all of the meeting instances are synced to the device.

User updates to alarm or busy status for ghosted events on the device are ignored.

Some device clients may allow you to modify the status or alarm of an event from a ghosted event. HCL Traveler ignores these changes, because the ghosted event is represented on the server by a notice document, not an appointment document. You must take an action (Accept/Tentative) on the notice before modifying its alarm or busy status.

You cannot change repeat settings for a calendar entry after the repeating entry is created.

Domino does not support changing the repeat setting for a calendar entry after it has been created. For example, you cannot change a weekly repeating entry to a daily repeating entry, or change the number of occurrences.

Not all instances of a repeating meeting display.

If the user creates an infinite event from the device, the Traveler server truncates the event to either 10 instances if there is a yearly repeat rule, or 250 instances otherwise.

Calendar entries past the year 2067, on both the device and server, are not synchronized.

Rich Text is not supported for calendar entries. Rich Text is not supported for calendar entries. Traveler converts the rich text description to plain text before sending the calendar entry to the devices, so the device display of the description text on the device may look different than it looks in the Notes client.

Multiple instances of a repeating calendar event in Notes® that occur within the same day are not supported.

If a repeating calendar event contains multiple instances for the same day and in the same time zone that the event occurs, only one of the instances for that day is sent to the mobile device. HCL Traveler does not support multiple instances of a repeating calendar event on the same day, with respect to the time zone of the device.

Calendar attachments are view-only

If a calendar event has attachments, users can download and view the attachments, but cannot add or remove attachments to/from calendar events using the mobile devices. Use the Notes client to add or remove attachments to/from a calendar event.

Delegate and Propose new time are not supported.

Delegate and Propose new time are not supported. Delegate and Propose new time actions from devices are not supported.

Meeting notices deleted from a mobile device by a meeting participant still appear in the participant's All Meetings view.

When a calendar event is deleted from the device, the Domino® server removes the meeting notice from the calendar view; however, the meeting notice still appears in the All Meetings view.

Changes made to Domino® federated calendar entries are not synced to the server.

If you configure your HCL Notes® Calendar to display multiple calendar sources and for viewing even when the Notes® client is offline, the calendar will sync to a HCL Traveler device calendar. However, you should not modify these calendar events on the device. If you modify or delete one of these events on the device, the original event will sync back from the server and overwrite the changed event on the device.

Start date is missing from To-do entry

Both Start and Due Date are required fields for tasks. If you have a start date but no Due Date, the start date will be lost.

Online Meeting type 'Other' not supported

HCL Traveler does not currently sync Online Meetings created with type 'Other' to devices.

The following message displays as a mail when a counter to a meeting invitation is received: This document is a meeting notice and requires the use of an HCL Notes or iNotes client to view the content.

Devices do not support Counter notices. An HCL Notes or iNotes client must be used to process a counter.

Invite others is not supported

Devices do not support the ability for an attendee to invite others. An HCL Notes, Verse, or iNotes client must be used to invite others as well as process an invite others request. Meetings created on a device honor the preference setting for allowing attendees to invite others.

To do issues

Table 4. To do issues
Problem Details
To-do items past the year 2067 do not sync. To-do items past the year 2067, on both the device and server, are not synchronized.
Completed ToDos are not automatically removed from the device even when the "Sync incomplete only" setting is checked. The setting "Sync incomplete only" only applies to the initial sync of ToDos from the server to the device. The default setting is to sync incomplete only, so the first time the account is defined, the user should see only the incomplete ToDos. As ToDos are completed, they remain on the device. You can delete the completed ToDos from within the app, but that will delete them from the Notes client as well. If you want to remove the completed ToDos from the view in the mobile app without deleting them from Notes, special action is required.

The Android Verse app provides a mechanism to remove completed ToDos from the device without deleting them from Notes. Navigate to menu item Tools -> Replace Data then check the ToDos box and confirm, causing all the ToDos to be removed from the device. Then go back into the ToDos app and use menu item Sync now, and only the incomplete ToDos will be synced to the device.

The iOS Verse app includes predefined views of the ToDos that are on the device. There is a view for all completed ToDos, but unfortunately no view of all incomplete ToDos. To remove all the completed ToDos from the app, you must delete and redefine the account. If the completed ToDos still show, uninstall the ToDos app and reinstall.

Start date is the due date

The due date is a required field for tasks. If you have a start date but no due date, the start date is set as the due date. If you do not specify both Start and Due date, the due date is set as Today.

Unable to change the repeat rule for a To-do item after it is created

HCL Notes® does not allow you to change the repeat rule for a task after it has been created. For example, you cannot change from a weekly to a daily repeat, or between non-repeating and repeating.

Rich Text is not supported for To-do entries. Rich Text is not supported for To-do entries. Traveler converts the rich text description to plain text before sending the entry to the devices, so the display of the description text on the device may look different than it looks in the Notes client.

Out of office issues

Table 5. Out of office issues
Problem Details

Some out of office values appear different between HCL Notes/iNotes and HCL Traveler.

HCL Notes/iNotes can display old information if cached values are used. Restart the HCL Notes client or browser to refresh the information. Alternatively, ensure the device being used is connected to the HCL Traveler server, and is not having trouble sending/receiving data to/from it.

Out of office appears to be off in HCL Notes/iNotes, but on in HCL Traveler.

The out of office away period can be accidentally extended if the return date is modified before the disabling of out of office has fully taken effect. In order to guarantee that out of office is fully disabled, wait for the out of office summary mail to arrive in the user's inbox before making changes to the out of office leaving or returning date/times.

Additionally, out of office may remain temporarily enabled if it was disabled from Notes/iNotes on a computer with a system clock that is ahead of the mail server's system clock. Out of office will be disabled once the time on the mail server has reached the time that it was disabled from Notes/iNotes.

Out of office appears to be on in HCL Notes/iNotes, but off in HCL Traveler. Sending mail to the user does not yield an out of office reply.

When the end date is in the past, the out of office service will automatically disable, which is shown by HCL Traveler as out of office being off. No out of office replies will be sent at that time. Once the current date and time are within the out of office window, HCL Traveler will show out of office as on again.

The returning date in HCL Notes/iNotes is in the year 2050.

HCL Traveler uses 12/30/2050 as the theoretical end date for an indefinite out of office period. To turn off indefinite out of office, disable out of office or turn off Indefinite from an Android or iOS device.

The out of office returning time was set on the device, but the out of office reply message does not include the time component.

Using Notes/iNotes, check the Specify Times check box to allow times to be included in any future out of office reply messages.

Contacts issues

Table 6. Contacts issues
Problem Details

Exchange ActiveSync devices cannot sync personal groups to the device contacts application.

The contacts application does not support the syncing of groups.

Journal issues

Table 7. Journal issues
Problem Details

No support for journal syncing.

HCL Traveler does not currently support the syncing of a Journal to a device.