Updating SafeLinx Server

After you download and extract the new version of the SafeLinx Server for your operating system, run the installation program.

Before you begin

Install the SafeLinx Server before you install the SafeLinx Administrator.

About this task

On Linux, after you extract the SafeLinx Server archive, its contents are placed in the directoryinst.images.

To install SafeLinx Server, run the installation program as described in the following procedure.


  1. On Windows, double-click the extracted file to begin the installation and then follow the prompts.
  2. On Linux, to start the installation script, from the command line go to the inst.images directory and then type ./install_wg. If installing on the same or newer version of SafeLinx, type ./install_wg --force.
  3. After the installation completes, verify that the SafeLinx Server is at the expected version level by typing the following command at the command line:

    lswg -V |more

    If the SafeLinx Administrator is already installed, you can also verify the version of the SafeLinx Server by viewing the SafeLinx Server properties on the SafeLinx Administrator About page.