Your network
Before you install the SafeLinx Server, assess your administration, network, and capacity needs.
The SafeLinx Server is at the center of your SafeLinx deployment. It manages traffic between remote clients on external networks and resources on your internal network. It ensures secure connectivity. And it must be configured to interact with all of the components in your SafeLinx deployment.
As you prepare to install, first determine the type and configuration of the networks you want to support and the type and number of clients that you want to connect. Some aspects of network configuration are common for all deployments, while others differ with the type of access you want to support. For example, a deployment that supports client-less HTTP access requires a configuration that differs from one that supports VPN access for SafeLinx Clients. You must also determine the level of security you want to enforce, and how you want to allocate administration responsibilities.
As you plan your deployment, prepare support for the client types that you want to use and the administrative structure you want.