Preparing for SafeLinx for Nomad

Before you install SafeLinx, complete these steps to prepare.


  1. Log on to the Linux system with an account that has root access privilege. The following example uses the account support.
  2. Update Linux:
    sudo dnf update
  3. Install OpenJDK 8 (required for SafeLinx Administrator installation):
    sudo yum install java-1.8.0-openjdk
  4. Create and then list two directories, cert and installer, in the /home/support directory:
    cd /home/support
    mkdir cert
    mkdir installer
  5. Obtain a SSL server certificate signed by a trusted certificate authority in pkcs12 (.p12) format and put it in the cert directory.
    Note: The following steps describe generating a self-signed certificate, self-signed certificates have limitations and are not recommended in a production environment.
    1. To use OpenSSL to generate a self-signed wildcard certificate, change to the cert directory (cd cert) and run the following OpenSSL commands.
      Note: Replace * in the command shown with your domain name.
      openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem -days 365 -nodes -subj /CN=*
      openssl pkcs12 -export -in cert.pem -inkey key.pem -out slselfsign.p12 -name "My SL Server"

      At the certificate password prompt, provide a password for the certificate file. Our example uses "trusted".

    2. To see the new certificate file:
  6. Download the following required files from My HCLSoftware to the installer directory you created previously.
    • HCL-SafeLinx-wgcfg-<version>.x86_64.rpm (SafeLinx Linux server)
    • HCL-SafeLinx-<version>-x86_64.tar.gz (SafeLinx Administrator client)
    • <version> (Nomad web static files. Required only if hosting Nomad for web browsers directly from the SafeLinx server)
    Run ls from the installer directory to see the downloaded files.
  7. If you want the SafeLinx server to host Nomad for web browser files, extract the Nomad web files. Skip this step if you are using only Nomad for iOS or Android.
    1. Create the directory /usr/local/nomad:
      sudo mkdir /usr/local/nomad
    2. Extract the content of <version> to /usr/local/nomad:
      sudo unzip <version> -d /usr/local/nomad
  8. Identify or set up a Domino 12 server on a remote machine that SafeLinx will use to serve Nomad clients.
    Note: In our example, this one server is used for the ID vault, Domino LDAP, and Domino mail and applications services. For large enterprise deployments, best practice is for the ID vault to be on one Domino 12 server and mail and applications services to be on another Domino server running 9.0.1 FPx, 10.0.1 FPx, 11.0.1 FPx, or 12.
    The following screenshot shows output from the sh ser command on our Domino 12 server.
  9. Install and configure MySQL for SafeLinx. For example steps, see the article How to install and configure MYSQL 8.0 on Centos 8 to be used by SafeLinx 1.2 server. on the HCL Customer Support site.

What to do next

Continue to the procedure Installing the SafeLinx server and the SafeLinx Administrator client