Configuring a WCTP MNC

Wireless Communications Transfer Protocol (WCTP) is a wireless device messaging protocol.


When you configure a WCTP MNC, you provide:
  1. The WCTP server IP address and send port.
  2. The method the SafeLinx Server uses to receive messages from the WCTP server. Choose from:
    Listen for HTTP posts
    Requires a port number on which the Connection Manager listens for incoming HTTP requests containing WCTP status and incoming messages. Choosing the method also requires that you identify a port number.
    Poll the WCTP server
    Requires a polling ID, password, and polling interval at which the SafeLinx Server polls the WCTP server for status and incoming messages. Choosing the method also requires that you identify a polling ID, polling password, and a polling interval.
  3. The behavior of the connection between the Connection Manager and the WCTP server and whether a socket is persisted during the connection. Choose from:
    Deliver multiple messages over a single socket
    The SafeLinx Server sends multiple WCTP transactions over the same socket to the WCTP server.
    Create a socket for every transaction
    The SafeLinx Server opens a new socket to the WCTP server for every WCTP transaction.
  4. Whether a user ID must be used along with the domain (for example, user@domain) as part of the response address in the send-responses-to field. Some carriers (for example, Skytel) require the use of only the domain in response addresses. While other carriers (for example, Arch Wireless) require that originator user IDs are added to the domain.