Spatiotemporal search routines
Spatiotemporal search routines index spatiotemporal data, query spatiotemporal data, and perform maintenance tasks.
The following table sorts spatiotemporal search routines by task.
Header | Header |
Start, configure, or stop spatiotemporal search indexing | Start spatiotemporal indexing for a table: STS_SubtrackCreate function Add, change, or remove a Scheduler task: STS_SubtrackAlterProcessing function Change the first time stamp to index: STS_SubtrackAlterFirstTimeStamp function Change the indexing lag time: STS_SubtrackAlterLagToCurrent function Set default processing properties: STS_SetDefaultParameters function Build or rebuild trajectories for a subtrack table: STS_SubtrackBuild function Build trajectories for an object: STS_SubtrackUpdate function Stop spatiotemporal search indexing and drop the subtrack table: STS_SubtrackDestroy function |
Find the relationship between an object, time, and a point | Find the position of an object at a specific time: STS_GetPosition function Find the most recent position of any object in the time series: STS_GetLastPosition function Find the first time within a time range when an object is near a position: STS_GetFirstTimeByPoint function Find the first time within a time range when an object is near a position: STS_GetFirstTimeByRegion function Find the nearest object to a point at a specific time: STS_GetLocNearest function Find the number of times within a time range when an object is near the specified position: STS_GetNumberOfTimesPassedByPoint function STS_GetNumberOfTimesPassedByRegion function Find all the times within a time range when an object is near the specified position in a SET. STS_GetSetOfTimesPassedByPoint function STS_GetSetOfTimesPassedByRegion function Find all the times within a time range when an object is near the specified position. |
Find a trajectory of an object | Find the exact trajectory for a time range: STS_GetTrajectory function Find the compressed trajectory for a time range: STS_GetCompactTrajectory function |
Find the speed of an object | Find the average speed for a trajectory: STS_Speed function |
Find the objects in a region | Find the set of objects whose trajectories intersected a region during the
time range: STS_GetLocIntersect function Find the set of objects that were moving within a region at a specific time: STS_GetLocWithin function |
Find the relationship between trajectories and a region | Find the shortest distance between a point and the trajectory of an object
during a time range: STS_TrajectoryDistance function Find whether the trajectory remained within the boundary of the region for the time range: STS_TrajectoryWithin function Find whether the trajectory crossed the boundary of the region in the time range: STS_TrajectoryCross function Find whether the trajectory either crossed the boundary of the region or remained within the boundary of the region for the time range: STS_TrajectoryIntersect function |
Find stationary objects | Find the set of objects that were stationary within a region at a specific
time: STS_GetLocStationaryWithin function Find whether an object is stationary: STS_IsStationary function Find the position of a stationary object: STS_GetStationaryPosition function |
Find objects with no data conditions | Find whether an object is missing data in a time period: STS_HasNoData function Find whether an object has a no signal condition in a time range: STS_HasNoSignal function Find whether an object has an interrupted signal condition in a time range: STS_HasInterruptedSignal function Find the duration of no data conditions: STS_GetNoDataTimeRange function |
Return release information | STS_Release function |
Enable tracing | STS_Set_Trace procedure |