genBSON function
The genBSON function provides an efficient method for copying data from an HCL OneDB™ database into a JSON or BSON document store format.
The genBSON function copies data from a database table and converts it to BSON format, based on the column name and the column data type. The column name becomes the field name. The SQL column type indicates which BSON type is used. The SQL data value becomes the field value.
GENBSON function >>-BSON--GENBSON------------------------------------------------> >--(--rowtype--+---------------------------------------+--)---->< | .-0----------. | '-,--+-keep_nulls-+--+----------------+-' | .-skip_id-. | '-,--+-0-------+-'
Element | Description | Restrictions | Syntax |
keep_nulls | Indicates whether to convert NULL values of SQL into a field-value pair
(1 ) or to omit (0 ) the BSON field-value pair if the SQL value is
NULL. Default is (0 ) no NULL field-value pairs. |
Only 0 or 1 is
valid. |
Literal Number or
any SQL expression that evaluates to 0 or1 |
rowtype | Describes the columns to be converted | Restricted to the supported SQL data types listed below | Literal Row |
skip_id | By default, (0 ) creates a field that is named
_id where the associated value is an ObjectId. Setting this value to (1 )
omits the _id field-value pair. |
Only 0 or 1 is
valid. |
Literal Number |
The genBSON function can convert most built-in data types of SQL to BSON field values. The following tables summarize the data type mapping that genBSON performs on built-in data types of SQL.
SQL type | BSON/JSON type |
CHAR | String |
LVARCHAR | String |
NCHAR | String |
NVARCHAR | String |
INTERVAL | String |
SQL type | BSON/JSON type |
SMALLINT | Integer |
INT | Integer |
BIGINT | Long |
INT8 | Long |
SERIAL8 | Long |
MONEY | Double |
DECIMAL | Double |
FLOAT | Double |
BSON | BSON sub document |
ROW type | Sub document |
DATE | Date MongoDB specific type |
DATETIME | Date MongoDB specific type |
Built-in large object data types and other SQL types that are not listed are not supported as input to the genBSON function.
Example: Convert a table
The following example selects all columns of a table and converts them to a JSON document.
This genBSON function uses the built-in row type that exists for all tables. This example selects from the systables system catalog entries for the table, and asks genBSON to convert all columns. By accepting all defaults, any column with NULL values is omitted. The _id field is added to the document:
SELECT FIRST 1 genbson( systables )::JSON FROM systables;
{"_id":ObjectId("5319412b64d5b83f00000003"), "tabname":"systables", "owner":"informix", "partnum":1048580, "tabid":1, "rowsize":500, "ncols":26, "nindexes":2, "nrows":266.000000, "created":41702, "version":65539, "tabtype":"T", "locklevel":"R", "npused":23.000000, "fextsize":16, "nextsize":16, "flags":0, "type_xid":0, "am_id":0, "pagesize":2048, "ustlowts":ISODate("2014-03-05T14:46:00.000Z"), "secpolicyid":0, "protgranularity":"", "statlevel":""}
Example: Convert specific columns
The following example illustrates how to select a subset of columns in a table, and convert them to a JSON document.
This statement creates a row type that contains the tabname and tabid columns from the system catalog table systables, and creates the _id field:
SELECT FIRST 1 genbson( ROW(tabname, tabid))::JSON FROM systables;
SELECT FIRST 1 genbson( ROW(tabname, tabid, site), 1, 1)::JSON FROM systables; (expression) {"tabname":"systables","tabid":1,"site":null}
Example: Convert multiple data types
Here is a simple example to show the supported data types and how the genBSON function converts them to BSON.
The following statements create and populate the mytypes table, which has columns of different data types:
CREATE TABLE mytypes ( c_char char(20), c_varchar varchar(92), c_null char(200), c_varchar1 varchar(92,10), c_smallint smallint, c_int integer, c_serial serial, c_date date, c_bigint bigint, c_bigserial bigserial, c_float float, c_smallfloat smallfloat, c_decimal decimal(10,4), c_int8 int8, c_lvarchar lvarchar, c_bson BSON, c_coll_int SET(INTEGER NOT NULL), c_uname_row ROW( fname CHAR(10), lname VARCHAR(20), age INTEGER), c_datetime DATETIME YEAR TO FRACTION(5), c_interval INTERVAL DAY(3) TO DAY ); INSERT INTO mytypes VALUES ( "john", "Tim", NULL, "Scott", 27, 200000, 0, "1/1/2014", 50000000000, 0, 123.123, 2468.2468, 12345.6789, 1234567890, "long text data", "{ key: 27 }"::JSON, "SET{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 }", ROW("JOHN","MILL", 7 ), '2007-7-27 10:12:11', INTERVAL (16) DAY TO DAY );
The following statement returns the contents of the mytypes table with the value of the c_bson column in the c_bson2 column:
SELECT FIRST 1 *,c_bson::JSON AS c_bson2 FROM mytypes; c_char john c_varchar Tim c_null c_varchar1 Scott c_smallint 27 c_int 200000 c_serial 1 c_date 01/01/2014 c_bigint 50000000000 c_bigserial 1 c_float 123.1230000000 c_smallfloat 2468.246830000 c_decimal 12345.6789 c_int8 1234567890 c_lvarchar long text data c_bson c_coll_int SET{1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ,5 ,6 ,7 } c_uname_row ROW('JOHN','MILL',7 ) c_datetime 2007-07-27 10:12:11.00000 c_interval 16 c_bson2 {"key":27} 1 row(s) retrieved.
The following statement returns the contents of the mytypes table as a JSON document:
SELECT FIRST 1 genbson( mytypes )::JSON FROM mytypes; {"_id":ObjectId("5319922755d0a64400000000"), "c_char":"john", "c_varchar":"Tim", "c_varchar1":"Scott", "c_smallint":27, "c_int":200000, "c_serial":1, "c_date":ISODate("2014-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"), "c_bigint":50000000000, "c_bigserial":1, "c_float":123.123000, "c_smallfloat":2468.246826, "c_decimal":12345.678900, "c_int8":1234567890, "c_lvarchar":"long text data", "c_bson":{"key":27}, "c_coll_int":[1,2,3,4,5,6,7], "c_uname_row":{"fname":"JOHN", "lname":"MILL","age":7}, "c_datetime":ISODate("2007-07-27T10:12:11.000Z"), "c_interval":"16"} 1 row(s) retrieved.
Example: Copy a table into a BSON column
The following example illustrates how to copy the contents of the mytable table into the BSON column of the mybson table:
CREATE TABLE mybson ( c1 serial, c2 bson);
INSERT INTO mybson SELECT 0, genbson( mytypes ) FROM mytypes;
SELECT c1, c2::JSON FROM mybson;