How can I edit an embedded object?

About this task

You can edit an embedded OLE object's data by launching the original application from HCL Notes. If you're using Windows®, and the original application supports OLE 2.0, you can also edit in-place using the application's commands and toolbar directly in Notes.

How can I edit an embedded OLE object in the original application (out-of-place)?


  1. With the document in Edit mode, highlight the object (single-click).
  2. Click Object Menu > Open.
  3. Edit the data in the original application.
  4. Click File > Exit & Return to Notes (or the application's command equivalent).
  5. To save the new data in Notes, click File > Save.

How can I edit an embedded OLE object in Notes (in-place)?

You can edit in-place if the source application supports OLE2.


  1. With the document in Edit mode, double-click the object.
  2. Edit the data. The Notes menu bar contains commands provided by the server application (as well as the Notes File commands). You can use the server application's commands and toolbar to edit the data directly in Notes.
  3. Click anywhere in the document outside the object.
  4. To save the new data in Notes,click File > Save.
    Note: If an OLE2 object is very large (for example, a spreadsheet containing several hundred lines), it's best not to edit the object in-place. Instead, click the object and click Object Menu > Open. Then edit the object in the application's window.