Troubleshooting (Nomad for web browsers)

This topic describles troubleshooting for administrators.

Updating issues

After updating the Nomad files on the HTTP server to a newer version, if the clients are still running the older version and the update notification is not showing after multiple page refreshes, it may be due to the HTTP server refusing to serve files with older timestamps than those previously cached on the server.

This may occur when performing copy operations that modify the timestamp on files; when just unzipping files, the timestamps should be preserved, so updating Nomad server on Domino or Nomad for web browsers (Hosting the static web files on SafeLinx or Hosting the static web files on a Domino HTTP server) per the documented instructions should not encounter this issue.

To ensure that the new Nomad files have the latest timestamps, the administrator can run the following from the Nomad file directory:
  • Linux:
    $ touch sw-bundle.js
  • Windows (CMD):
    > copy /b sw-bundle.js +,,

After updating the timestamp, refresh Nomad in the web browser to continue the update process. After updating, confirm that Nomad is running the latest version by opening About HCL Nomad via the Help menu.

Nomad server log debugging

The Domino/Data/nomad-config.yml file contains all the configuration overrides for the Nomad server on Domino. By default, there are no overrides so the file does not exist and must be created the first time a configuration value needs to be overridden.

To enable all debug logging, add/modify the DEBUG line:
DEBUG: "nomad=trace"
If that becomes too cluttered, you can target individual parts of nomad based on the error received. For example, you may enable debug logging for just the cache:
DEBUG: "nomad::napi::saml=trace"
After making changes to the nomad-config.yml file, re-launch the Nomad server task via the Domino server console with the following command:
restart task nomad