Hosting the static web files on SafeLinx

Before you configure the Nomad server you need to deploy the static files for the Nomad Web Application on the SafeLinx server.

Before you begin

About this task

All the required HTTP headers in Hosting the Nomad for web browsers static web files are pre-configured by SafeLinx and require no action by the admin. The following optional headers are also pre-configured: Strict-Transport-Security, X-Content-Type-Options, Referrer-Policy, X-Frame-Options, and X-XSS-Protection.

Complete the steps in Adding a Nomad server resource for the following:
  • If you did not configure the Nomad server when running the initial SafeLinx configuration wizard.
  • To specify HTTP headers as part of the "Configure HTTP response headers" step.


  1. Download the current version of "HCL Nomad for web browsers" from My HCLSoftware Portal and place it into a directory of the SafeLinx server that will host the files.
  2. Create a nomad directory.
    Note: If the directory does not exist, create a new directory. If the directory already exists, backup the files (optional) and then delete all of the files including all the subdirectories.
    • Linux: You can choose any directory on the SafeLinxServer to store the files. According to the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard v3.0, /srv/ is recommended to store the Nomad Web static files.

      Create /srv/hcl/nomad with the command mkdir -p /srv/hcl/nomad.

      Then unpack the zip file you downloaded from My HCLSoftware Portal and uploaded onto the server in the previous step into that directory. The zip filename might change for newer versions. The files should look similar to the following:
      unzip -d /srv/hcl/nomad /opt/install/
      Note: Make sure you create all directories in lower case during the setup of the Nomad server to a minimum.
      Verify the install by checking the /srv/hcl/nomad directory content:
      [root@safelinx install]# ls -l /srv/hcl/nomad
      total 19028
      -rw-r--r--.  1 root root    23786 May 21 17:47 0-0-ca29c7827ed7151f7a36.js
      -rw-r--r--.  1 root root    82429 May 21 17:47 087bdfb76abbd21778aa949564fe1b379424c6c0.js
      -rw-r--r--.  1 root root    17442 May 21 17:47 1-1-ca29c7827ed7151f7a36.js
      -rw-r--r--.  1 root root     1812 May 21 17:47 11710bf653dc4814989038e56ef81360.svg
      -rw-r--r--.  1 root root    18646 May 21 17:47 2-2-ca29c7827ed7151f7a36.js
      -rw-r--r--.  1 root root    46847 May 21 17:47 3-3-ca29c7827ed7151f7a36.js
      -rw-r--r--.  1 root root 18096191 May 21 17:47 3973897799cfd3885c7cf16069fb80ed9349d3df.wasm
      -rw-r--r--.  1 root root    16786 May 21 17:47 4-4-ca29c7827ed7151f7a36.js
    • Windows: You can choose any directory on the SafeLinxServer to store the files. In our examples, we unpack into C:\hcl\nomad (the zip filename might change for newer versions).
      Note: Make sure you create all directories in lower case to keep confusion during the setup of the Nomad server to a minimum.
  3. Make sure that the user that SafeLinx is running under can read the directory and files you just created.