Creating the authentication profile for Nomad server

The profile is used to authenticate users and to verify user access to target HCL Domino® servers.

About this task

Complete the following steps if you did not configure the Nomad server when running the initial SafeLinx configuration wizard.

When a user request to a server is found, SafeLinx uses the information in the authentication profile to query the requested Domino servers canonical name in the LDAP servers and use the fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) it found to establish a TCP connection.

If a server name can't be resolved, the connection terminates. To ensure a server name can be resolved, specify the server URL when you configure the HTTP access service.
Note: The name of the Nomad web proxy has changed to Nomad server.


  1. From the SafeLinx Administrator, in the Tasks tab, select Add Resource > Authentication Profile > LDAP-bind Authentication:
  2. Define server information:
    • "Request Windows credentials from GINA" has to be unchecked.
    • "Common name" specifies the name of the authentication profile. Choose a descriptive name.
    • "Description" can be left empty.
    • Set "password policy" to "None" as we will use the LDAP server specified in the previous step to verify credentials.
    • Leave "Challenge string" empty.
    • Leave "Include realm in authentication request" unchecked
  3. Specify directory servers:
    Select the "Domino LDAP" entry defined in the previous step as the "Directory Server', leave all other fields to their default value.
  4. LTPA configuration:
    Leave the LTPA configuration disabled.
  5. OU verification: