Setting display options

Select a secondary calendar to display and change the date and display formats. You can also set text size, language, and direction; customize column size; and display alternate names.

Before you begin

To show alternate names, your administrator must enable them and must assign you two names, a primary name and an alternate name. You can have only one alternate name.

About this task

If a four-digit year format is not available in the International Date Settings section, the administrator disabled the format to enforce a two-digit year format.


Designate display options by completing the tasks in the Table 1.
Table 1. Display options
Task Description Steps
Display a secondary calendar If your administrator makes the feature available, you can display a secondary, non-Gregorian calendar alongside your primary calendar. The secondary calendar is displayed next to the day in the date header of each supported calendar view in full mode. Click Preferences > Calendar > Display and select a Secondary calendar option.
Change the date and time display formats You can change the format of the short and long date styles and change the date separator. You can also change how time is shown on your calendar. Click More > Preferences > International and make your selections in the International Date Settings and International Time Settings sections.
Change text size display Use the page view options of your browser to make text smaller or larger. If you use Microsoft™ Internet Explorer, you can click Page > Text Size and then click a different size. If you use Mozilla Firefox, press Ctrl++ (plus) to make text larger and press Ctrl+- (minus) to make text smaller.
Note: If you use Internet Explorer and decrease text size while in a list view, the rows shrink and a gap shows under the list view. To repair the gap and fill it with more documents from the view, refresh the view.
Change text language and direction You can set your default language and, if the language is bidirectional, you can display text in it from right to left.
  1. Click Preferences > International.
  2. Select the language in the Display this language field.

    If you select Use Default, the language set for your browser is used.

  3. If you selected a bidirectional language such as Arabic or Hebrew, select Support right to left languages.
Note: Ultra-light mode supports right-to-left languages based on the device or browser language setting, but does not support the Support right to left languages preference.
Customize column display In list views, you can sort the information by changing the sort order of a column.

You can sort columns that change color when you move your cursor over them.

You can drag the column margin to adjust the width. To restore the columns to their original widths, right-click and select Restore Widths.

Display alternate names If you work in an environment where you use more than one language, you can display your name in multiple character sets. A primary name is internationally recognizable; an alternate name is recognizable in your own native language. Use an alternate name to use your native language and character set for name display and lookup purposes for tasks like sending mail.
  1. Click Preferences.
  2. In the Basics section, select Display alternate names.
  3. From your browser menu, select Tools > Internet options.
  4. Select your alternate language and click Add and OK.
  5. Click Delete files to clear the browser cache and then click OK.