Securing your credentials when logging out of iNotes

When you log out,IBM® iNotes® removes your login credentials and private data from the browser's cache. Deleting this data prevents an unauthorized user from using cached information to access your mail file.

About this task

You have the following options for removing your private data from the browser’s cache:


  • Your administrator may have your system set up to clean the cache automatically.
  • You can set your browser to delete all files from the Temporary Internet files folder when browser window is closed. This action deletes any code and data that may remain in the cache.
  • If you use Microsoft® Internet Explorer to view your mail, you can set a Logout preference to install Browser Cache Management, which improves performance and security for your iNotes sessions.
  • For users who do not have Browser Cache management installed, you can manually select what to remove from the cache by selecting Logout for shared PCs or Kiosk Users when you log out. You can choose from these options:
    • Clear history removes your iNotes mail address from the browser's History file.
    • Secure deletes all traces of your personal use of iNotes and any Web pages that you may have browsed, but keep iNotes program elements (boosts performance when the next person logs on).
    • More secure deletes all trace of iNotes and all other Web pages in the temporary Internet files folder.
    Note: The removal of private data from your browser's cache and more secure data clearing capabilities are available only if you accept the iNotes control, and only if you explicitly select Logout for shared PCs or Kiosk Users when you log out.