Register tracing routines

To register the tracing routines for a particular DataBlade® module in a database, specify the following syntax from the UNIX command line or MKS Korn Shell: database DataBlade [Project]

In this command, database is the name of the database in which you want to register the routines and DataBlade is the name of the DataBlade® module that contains the tracing routines. The square brackets [] indicate that Project name is an optional argument. Specify a path for Project if you have moved your DataBlade® module from its default directory. When you specify Project, specify only the part of the path that follows %INFORMIXDIR%/extend/.

After you have registered the tracing routines in the database, set the output trace file and tracing level as shown in Set a trace output file and a trace threshold. The file name and trace level settings must be reset if you change DB-Access sessions or restart the server.

To unregister the tracing routines for a particular DataBlade® module in a database, specify the following syntax from the UNIX command line or MKS Korn Shell: database DataBlade [Project]
In this command, database is the name of the database in which you want to register the routines and DataBlade is the name of the DataBlade® module that contains the tracing routines. The square brackets [] indicate that Project name is an optional argument. Specify a path for Project if you have moved your DataBlade® module from its default directory. When you specify Project, specify only the part of the path that follows %INFORMIXDIR%/extend/.
Important: Disable tracing in production DataBlade® modules because tracing can substantially decrease performance, and output trace files can use considerable space.