Identify the source of generated code

When BladeSmith generates source code for your DataBlade® module, it uses routines and data structures from various libraries.

The following table lists common prefixes for data types and routines appearing in generated DataBlade® module code and lists their sources and where they are documented.
Table 1. Common prefixes for data types and routines
Prefix Library More information
mi_ DataBlade® API Almost all DataBlade® API routines and data types have the mi_ prefix. See the Informix® DataBlade® API Programmer's Guide for more information.
Gen_ BladeSmith All variable names and routine names not explicitly named in the project have the Gen_ prefix. See Utility functions generated by BladeSmith for more information about utility functions.
DBDK_TRACE_ BladeSmith BladeSmith uses four macros for error handling and tracing in generated code. See Tracing and error handling for more information.
gl_ DataBlade® API The gl_dprintf() and gl_tprintf() functions are used for internationalized tracing. See the Informix® DataBlade® API Programmer's Guide for more information.
ifx_gl_ GLS API All GLS API routines have the ifx_gl_ prefix. See the Informix® GLS User's Guide for more information.
ifx_ ESQL/C In code generated by BladeSmith, this prefix indicates routines and data types from ESQL/C. See the Informix® ESQL/C Programmer's Manual for more information.